Chapter 12: The Fight

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Jacob searched everywhere for Miley, well not everywhere. Let's just say half the city. But at the same time he felt a pull, and every time he would follow that pull or sense he ends up in the woods where the camp was.

Suddenly a phone started ringing like crazy in a rock type of music. It was Jacobs phone. So he looked at the caller ID hoping it would be Miley. Wrong. It was Morgan.

Jacob answered the call with disappointment. " Yeah?"

" You find her yet?" Morgan asked.

" No. Where can she be?" Jacob asked hoping to get an answer.

" Don't know." there was a instant pause while the two of them thought.

" Oh have you tried the woods where Camp was?" Morgan asked getting excited.

" Sorta. I didn't really go in all the way." Jacob said.

" Check Man. She could be there." Morgan squeaked.

Jacob felt the pull again but this pull was harder. So Jacob followed it, and guess where he ended up? In the woods.

Suddenly he started hearing someone talking. In a feminine voice. " Miley " he thought. So he followed the voice that was saying

" Why doesn't he appreciate what I did for him? Does he hate me? Does he love me? It hurts badly I cant even cry. Or feel my heart break."

As Jacob was approaching Miley the was a man standing next to her. He was wearing a black dress jacket and black jeans. He just stood there as I'd he was dead or a Zombie or something. The man was also talking to Miley. Jacob started to tense up with anger. He could feel his head thumping telling him to rip the man apart. How could she cheat on me.

The man just stood there talking to Miley. The guy's face was white or maybe that was the sunset shining on his face. Jacob moved cautiously threw the bushes and got a better look at the guy. He was strange. Thoughts where getting louder in Jacobs head, but now? with a mans voice. A mans voice spoke out and was very young. Like a teenager young.

" I know you are there." the voice said.

Miley turned around as Jacob came out from the bushes, But the man just stood facing the lake.

" Jacob?" Miley said confused.

" Who the Hell is he?" Jacob barked.

" Umm I.." she was interrupted.

" Someone you should remember." the guy said.

" Who?" Jacob demanded.

" Oh don't remember? It was dark at the drive in you where getting something at the bar, something pulled you into a dark corner... Well?" the guys said.

" Well the Hell what?" Jacob yelled.

" Drive in what? Jac what's going on?" Miley asked curiously.

" Nothing STAY OUT OF IT!" Jacob yelped.

" You should be able to put the puzzle together now. Come on!" the guy said turning around.

Jacob thought and thought hard but was just a blur he couldn't go that far in the past any more.

" You were bitten an turned into us.... The End......Puzzle solved." the guy said now facing Jacob. " Nice to me you I am the on who killed you. Names Damon."

Damon started laughing.

" Its was YOU ?" Miley and Jacob both said.

Damon just kept laughing. Jacob ran at Damon, but Damon moved out of the way. Damon extended his teeth. Going after Jacob. Right when Damon was about to hit Jacob, but Miley kicked him and he flew into a tree knocking the whole tree down. Damon started laughing again.

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