Chapter 14: Danger ( Part 2)

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Part 2

Miley and Jacob arrived at their school in the morning and their were close to each other more than ever. Jacobs arm was around d Smileys shoulder.

" Hey you guys finally sorted things out?" Morgan asked.

Miley and Jacob looked at each other and smiled.

" You can say that." Miley said fixing her ponytail.

" Good cause I like the old you. The that you are now." Morgan tried to say.

Miley and Jacob looked at each other confused.

" No the you that you where before you broke up. No the you that you were before and what you are  now not that weren't.... What I mean is..." Morgan was interrupted.

" Morgan... We know what you mean." Jacob said.

" Oh OK." Morgan straighten the back pack on his shoulder and went to his locker.

Jacob kissed Mileys head and went their separate ways. Lester entered the school. Sensing where the new comer(Jacob) was. And he found him at his locker. He walked up to him.

" Yep its him alright" Lester though.

" Um can I help you?" Jacob asked looking freaked out.

Lester didn't say anything he just extended his teeth and Jacob knew right way what he was.

" No not again I'm in school Please leave me alone. Please." Jacob begged.

" Come with me." Lester said pulling Jacob along.

Lester pulled him into a bathroom. A boy bathroom.

" Are you going to fight me in private?" Jacob asked.

" SHUT UP BOY. No. Listen Damon the one who bit you is planning on turning this city upside down. He is going to turn all of you people into you know what." Lester said.

" Oh no that's bad. So you what me to help you to fight the same piece of shit that turn men into you. Its that it? All I want is to be normal again." Jacob said.

" And you will, but I need you. My friend and I will turn you back." Lester said and he wasn't kidding.

" Okay I'm in." Jacob shook his hand.

" At the next full moon hell is going to break lose. Be in the forest for today for training." Lester said.

Jacob smiled and left the bathroom. Thing are going to get complicated and fast. The full moon is in four days.

" Jacob where were you?" Miley asked.

" You know Damon?"  Jacob asked.

" What what about him?" Mikey questioned with a worried look.

" He's planning on turning everyone to Vampires. He has truly gone mad." Jacob stated.

" He's already mad." Miley said.

" Got that right. Any who this Vampire." Jacob was saying.

Mileys face changed as soon as he said Vampire.

" Said that he was going to stop Damon and needs our help." Jacob explained.

Miley nodded and then shook her head.

" Is something wrong?" Jacob asked.

" You don't know this " Vampire" what if he's setting you up and working with Damon?" Miley asked with confusion.

" I don't know and I won't know if I don't see him in the woods after school." Jacob said.

" But you" Mikey was interrupted.

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