Chapter 8: A Vampire in School

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Chapter 8

It was 8:30am Jacob stopped by his house to het his backpack. Jacob threw all his school books in his backpack. It is amazing Vampires can go days without eating sort of. Jacob left an note on the frig for his parents. Jacob left for school. He got their in a few minutes. Running.  

 At Jacobs school their were a ton of kids. And an Ocean of blood to Jacob. Jacob licked his lips and walked in. The first person his saw was Miley. she wore a Pick sweater and Skinny Jeans and wore her hair in a Pony Tail. She looked upset.

Jacob walked over to her. Miley saw him but, turned away.

" Miley!" Jacob said.

Jacob caught up with her.

" Miley what's wrong?" Jacob asked.

" What's wrong? What's wrong? You know what's wrong! Your ready to leave me." Miley said.

" What? What do you mean? I have not drank human blood since I got bitten. Why are you Man!! I am trying to protect you. If I turn you or hurt you I will never forgive myself."  Jacob explained.

" Protect me you are doing fine." Miley shouted.

" Listen you said that once I drink Human hear this Human blood I could be capable of a lot more. I would want more Blood. And I can kill a lot of people if I live and drink blood." Jacob shouted.

" Maybe its time that we..." Miley was trying to say.

Jacob had this look in his eyes that says No were Not.

"We what? Wait are you saying wha.... What I think you are saying?" Jacob said.

" Yes I am." Miley said. Her face was pail.

Jacob was heart broken. He stood there like he was just told one of his family members Died. Or got slapped. 

" Miley!!" Jacob yelled.

" Miley!!!!" Jacob yelled.

Miley walked away from Jacob. They had broken up. Jacob put his hands on his head and threw them off and almost hit someone

Sam and Morgan just got into the school and saw Jacob at his locker.

" Yo Jacob? What's up my sharp tooth friend?" Sam said.

" Don't." Jacob said.

" Don't what?" Morgan asked.

Jacob slammed his locker and walked away. Morgan and Sam looked at each other and back at Jacob.

It was 9:30am when the bell rang. Everyone went to their homerooms for class. Jacob sat in the back of the class. Miley was the seats down and two chairs to the left.

Jacob threw his black hood over his head. Jacob look over at Miley who was sitting by the wide windows.

 The Bell Rang at 12:30 for lunch. Jacob watched Miley leave the room and stayed in his seat.

" Everything alright Jacob?" Mr. Henser asked.

" Yes." Jacob replied.

" Good." Mr. Henser said.

Mr. Henser walk out of the room. Jacob left the room a minute or two after. Jacob walked outside. and sat down on the bench in the back of the school.

Morgan spotted Jacob and sat down next to him. Uhh Morgan said.

" So what is going on? " Morgan asked.

" Miley and I just broke up." Jacob replied.

 " Why?" Morgan asked.

" Because I am dying." Jacob said.

" Dying? How?" Morgan asked.

" I haven't been drinking human blood and she wants me too so I don't die. But I refused just to protect every body." Jacob said.

" Man.. I am sorry." Morgan said.

Jacob nodded his head with his head down. Jacob then looked up at the clear sky? 

" Why did I have to become a Vampire?" Jacob said.

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