Chapter 11: What Have You Done

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I have edited this Chapter so I hope it is better. Give me a message if any thing is wrong or needs changing. Okay lets get to the story. Here we go.


After Miley was bitten she wasn't the same.

" Miley what have you done?" Jacob yelped confused.

" What? I saved you." Miley said.

" But you don't know what you have done to your self. You should see yourself." Jacob stated.

" I saved you. You almost died." Miley shouted.

" Umm should i leave?" Morgan asked with fear.

" Yes get out of here Morgan!" Jacob roared.

Morgan ran like they were after him, so he looked back and looked back forward and went face into a wall. Morgan fell on the floor.

" Awe.... ouch... Shit!" Morgan shouted holding his nose.

The impact busted his nose. Jacob was still looking at Miley as if she was her prey.

" Morgan your not helping when your nose is poring like a faucet." Jacob yelled.

" Sorry sorry sorry...Awe oh crap." he said.

Miley smelled Morgan's blood and started running, but Jacob moved quickly and shoved her into a looked. When Morgan was out of site Jacob quickly hot Miley out of the school. Kid were starting to arrive. Jacob found a more isolated area in an alley to talk to Miley.

" What the HELL is wrong with you!" Miley cried.

" Same question to you. Being like this isn't EASY I almost killed my parents. I was so tempted feast on them." Jacob yelled with rage.

" But that's you." Miley stated.

" That's you too." Jacob squealed." You almost attacked Morgan."

" So that was just..." Miley tried to finish but was interrupted.

" Just what? An accident? When was the last time a vampire ACCIDENTLY attacked someone Eh?" he barked trying to get her to understand.

Miley looked dumb founded, like she didn't understand anything he said.

" Your an Ass." she said.

The both looked at each other both in a Loving way and Hated way.

" You know why I did what I did?" She asked.

" Oh.. please tell... I'll get some popcorn for the story. You want some?" he sarcastically said.

" Once upon a time... Just kidding. I did it cause I hated my life at home. Nothing happened to me its just that i have two step-parents now. Mom died and dad married. Dad died and step mother got remarried." Miley explained really coming on to Jacob.

" I can see where you are coming from, buy you have no right to change yourself so dramatically. What if it didn't work or saved me but killed you?" Jacob croaked." This is not a joke this is your life your messing up. I'm sorry if I have messed it up for you."

" Well we can be together now." Miley stuttered.

" NO."

" We can leave this place. Start off fresh in a Vampire freshness way." Miley said.

" NO."

Miley's got mad as soon as he said that. Started to walk away, but Jacob grabbed her arm l looking in a different direction. Miley swung her arm throwing Jacob into a brick wall leaving a huge hole. Miley the ran off faster than a blink.

20 minutes later

Jacob gets up from the wreckage, getting off the broken and smashed bricks. Morgan then called out to him.

" Jac... Jacob?" Morgan yelled on the streets.

" Over here."

Morgan ran to where he heard Jacobs voice. After seeing the huge hole in the wall he raised his eyebrow. Morgan was so surprised at all the damage he saw. Morgan thought to his self that if vampires fight in a city there will be no city after the fight.

" So talk didn't go well Eh?" Morgan asked.

" Nope. In have to find her before she does something stupid." Jacob replied getting worried.

" Count me Out. I don't want to become on of you. Come to me when I'm Thirty or something. So I can still have my good looks." Morgan stated.

" Call me if you find her. Or know where she might be, but stay away from her. Se is dangerous." Jacob shouted.

" Uh huh got yah." Morgan mumbled.

When Morgan turned around, Jacob ran and disappeared in seconds. Making the tree's leaves rustle. Morgan turned back around, to find that Jacob was gone. No trace of him any were.   

" Jac... Jacob? Where'd you go?" Morgan questioned having no clue to where he went.Things are getting complicated, and not in a good way. " I think I'm going to leave town for a little while, maybe that family reunion out of state. Maybe when I get back things will be okay."  

Morgan walked away from the alley and walked down the street to the school. There were more cabs that cars in this area. It was more of a business part of town. Skyscrapers, and other tall buildings. It was almost like New York, but it wasn't.


Hey guys I hope you liked this Chapter. Sorry it took so long was very busy with life and forgot this so I apologize. If you like this story so far just like the star on your screen and give a comment on the story or your favorite part.


:) :D ;) Thanxs


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