Chapter 17: This Ends Here

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Jacob looked for Zanton but couldn't find him. Were could he be? Not dead. Still alive or at least struggling. Jacob looked and look, but he's nowhere. Then there was screaming of a crowd. Jacob ran to the screams.


Damon was on Zanton about to finish him. Jacob ran at Damon and knocked him off Zanton.

" Ohh Jacob, we meet again." Damon chuckled.

" This Ends Here!" Jacob shouted with absolute anger.

Damon leaped at Jacob pushing him to the ground, Jacob threw him off. Jacob mind went total bonkers. " What's happening to MILEY?"

Miley was kicking the crap out of some Vampires that's what was happening to Miley. Miley ripped off a car door and sliced a werewolf up.

" Is that it?" Miley asked.

There were no more Vampires or Werewolves. There was just piles of dead creature.

" Umm Billy can yah despise of them?" Miley asked.

" Oh sure." Billy opened the ground making all the dead Vampire and Werewolf bodies fall into the ground.

" Good now were is... Oh no JACOB!" Miley cried.

Miley found him fighting Jacob , but all she could do is watch.

Damon punched Jacob in the face and did it again and again. Jacob quickly moved and threw Damon into a wall. Jacob walked up to him and slammed Damon's head into the concrete making a visible crack on the ground. Jacob got distracted and looked at Miley. Damon too that opportunity to struck back. Damon pushed Jacob out of the way.

Jacob flew into a wall and was now unconscious. Damon grabbed Jacobs head and slammed it against the wall Jacobs face was cracked like shattered glass.

Damon was about to snap Jacobs neck but saw Miley.

" Wanna see me finish your Boyfriend?" Damon asked smiling." Here we go 1...2...3..."

Miley went crazy.

" Get off my Fiancé!!!" Miley jumped higher than ever kicking Damon's head it almost snapped, but he was still there, fighting back.

Damon kicked Miley in the chest sending her into a car. " Ah" Miley yelped. Miley tied to get up. She tied to get from the car that she was sent flying into, but she couldn't she was stuck. Miley broke through the car. Miley saw Zanton laying on the ground. He could barely move. His ribs or spin must have been broken. Damon started walking up to Jacob, but Miley went after him again tring to kill Damon. Damon is way to strong. " What is he on steroids?" Miley asked herself.

Its just hopeless Damon is some how way too natural. Maybe he is the real deal. Could he be Dracula? Or at least related to him? I don't think Vampires could be so strong.

" Any last words?" Damon asked.

Jacob was to broken and weak to say anything so Jacob just flicked him the Bird. Damon laugh. Damon's hand was on Jacobs head then..... Loud snap that followed with a growl. Zanton bit off Damon's head.

6 Hour later

" Ah uuhh." Jacob groaned.

" Jacob? Jac Jac Jac Jacob? Miley's voice echoed throw Jacobs head.

Jacob was able to see Miley. So all he could do was smile. Miley smiled back.

" What happend?" Jacob asked.

" Damon is dead. Zanton killed him." Miley said happy.

Jacob sat up.

" Ahh." Jacob yelped." My chest, its hurts like Hell. How can I feel pain? Its worse now."

Miley smiled even more.

" He's done it Billy, he's changed you. Us. Were are normal again. Humans." Miley sheared some tears and hugged Jacob.

Jacob couldn't be live what just came out of Miley's mouth.

" Humans, free, Normal?" Jacob said leaping out of his Hospital bed forgetting about the pain in his chest and hugged Miley.

There was a knock at Jacob hospital room door.

" Hey guys." Mrs. Hensley said coming in." Are you okay?"

" Yeah um happy your still alive after that fall you've had." Mr. Hensley added.

" Fall?" Jacob mumbled and look at Miley. " Fall?"

Miley smirked and shrugged her shoulders. She lean to tell Jacob something.

" I said you tripped and fell off a bridge so they won't know what actually happened." Miley whispered.

Jacob smiled and kissed her on the hand, Jacob could see Miley was wearing her engagement ring.

Jacobs POV

No more Vampires no more blood no more fighting no more drama. Finally i got what I wanted from the second day of Camp. Miley. To hold to kiss to hug to cry with to have children with and die with.

I always though there were no happy endings, but...... This is my happy ending, with Miley.

Oh and what ever happened to Morgan and Sam?

" Babe what happen to Sam?" I asked Miley.

" Sam moved to Rome." Miley answered.

" What about Morgan?" I asked again.

" He left to his family reunion." Miley stated.

I'm just looking at Miley, my fiancée and her beautiful blue eyes. She has them back now. Everything perfect. I got out of the hospital a day later. Miley was by my side every day. We bought a house in the city in a very nice neighborhood. I cant believe how far Miley and I got. I should be surprised I should be grateful. But all we have to get ready for, Is the wedding. The biggest thing on my mind and of course my mother is helping out.

Nothing is better than a normal life, that's all I ever wanted. Now I am grateful and will cherish every moment I have. All I can say is when you are broken up there is still a chance. You have to make it up to her or he. Love is all you need, well and also a Job.

Hey guys in hope you loved this chapter. I hope you enjoied the Vamp Camp as it comes to an end. Please leave a vote and Comment.

Thanks :) ;) :D

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2014 ⏰

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