Chapter 10: A Fallen Vampire and a Rebirth

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Chapter 10

Jacob has been sick for a while a month but he decided to go back to school. A big mistake. Jacob got ready for school.

He took a very hot shower steam filled the bathroom to the point  where you couldn't breath. He dumped the soap on his hair and scrubbed. A shower was too much for Jacob and took up all his strength and energy.

The shower stopped. Jacob rapped his self with a Tan towel. Got his clothes. He picked out his black baggy pants, his Purple and White stripped button down Shirt. Jacob put them on after picking them.

Miley was at the school extra early. She sat in the hallway full of lockers. The lockers were Green a light Green sort of a dull Green.

Her locker was open and she was rearranging everything. The only people there were the teachers and principle.

Jacob walked to school. Morgan was on his way to the school. 

Jacob walked into the school. He was there early because he had a project to finish. Morgan was right behind him.

"Hey Jacob." Morgan said.

" Hi, I am very tired for the first time in four months." Jacob said.

" Wow." Morgan said.

Miley was on the left  of the hallway by her locker. Jacob went to his locker. Jacob grabbed his head. Jacobs vision got blurry and his body started to sway.

" Jac.. Jac? Jacob?"  Morgan shouted.

Jacob fell to the floor. 

" Jacob!! Shit!" Morgan yelled.

Miley saw Jacob and ran over to him.

" Jacob?! Get up." Miley said.

Morgan tried to feel his chest.

" Dam It." Morgan remember Vampires hearts don't beat.

" What's happening? Morgan!! What's Happening!!!" Miley screamed with tears running down her face.

" He gone." Morgan replied.

" No No no your wrong. He's not dead." Miley shouted.

" He is he's dead." Morgan said.

Morgan hugged Miley.

" No. why?" Miley asked crying in Morgan's arms." Wait. we can save him."

" How?" Morgan asked.

Miley took out a pocket knife.

" Whow what are you doing?" Morgan asked.

Miley cut her wrist and blood dripped from her wrist. Miley then dropped blood on Jacob. Jacob got back p and was on his feet and hands like and animal. His eyes were pitch Black. Jacob jumped at Miley. She screamed and Jacob bit Mileys wrist where the blood was. Jacobs eyes went back to normal. 

" What happened?" Jacob asked.

He saw Miley on the floor.

" NO!!! No no. How did this happen?" Jacob asked. 

" She saved you." Morgan replied.

Jacob looked into her eyes. Miley eyes turned red and she woke up. Miley got up and Jacob and Miley Kissed.

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