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You didn't love her if you cheated on her. You were just afraid of being alone. Or maybe she was just good for your ego. Or, or maybe she made you feel better about your miserable life, but you didn't love her because you don't destroy the people you love but don't worry because she will cry, hate you then love you again but don't forget that one day she will leave and would never come back.
               ___Miranda Anderson.

By Grace through fate

"Hurry up man" i called out to Chase who was busy praising the cook for the wonderful breakfast.

I know the food was delicious but he got to understand that we have a meeting to attend to, which is the next 25 minutes.

"Calm down man am coming" he replied jogging towards where i was standing.

"Where were you last night?" He questions as i started the engine of my lambourgine.

"Somewhere you wouldn't wanna know" i reply.

"Why did i even ask? you were probably at some fancy club banging women" he said looking at the road.

"You know banging is not a word right?" i question him amusingly.

"Whatever" he said looking for something on his briefcase.

If you guys have not noticed i am mostly called a man whore by my rivals and a playboy according to magazines and newspapers not that I care.

"What are you looking for?" i ask with curiosity for i was praying that he did not forget anything at the hotel that will cost me to go back.

"Found it" he said taking a folder from his briefcase.

"What is that?"

The file for the contract he said in a "duh" tune.


"Can we now start with the contract which is what brought us here" i said interrupting their little stories about what they did in the last years they've not seen each other.

And yes i was now sitting in Mr steel's office being a third wheel in their conversation.

"Sorry Mr knight i would like to go on with the contract but as you can see my assistant is running late" Nick stated.

"I can't wait to get this deal done with so that i can fire who ever your stupid assistant is which is why your business is near the stage of bankruptcy because you can't control your employees".

As i said this i received a murderous glare from Chase and they went back to their conversation.

It has been fifteen freaking minutes since i got here considering we arrived five minutes early and that stupid assistant is no were to be seen.

I took out my phone to dial my assistants number back in America to send my helicopter to come pick us up for we were no longer signing the deal.

"Am sorry am late i had to drop the kids at school" i heard the most beautiful voice say which reminded me of Miranda

I lifted my gaze to face the back of the most gorgeous woman i've ever met.

Miranda meet my long time friend Chace knight and his cousin Mr knight Nick introduced us.

As i heard the name my suspicion was conformed because it is Miranda MY Miranda.

When she turned her face her jaw dropped as she was as shocked as Chase and I.

That moment i knew that she regretted turning her face and wished the ground could just swallow her.



My jaw dropped as i turned to face my nightmares. From the look on their faces i knew they Were as shocked as i was.

"So lets start the contract" Nick said breaking the intense staring i was having with the two gentlemen i wish to never see again.

"Oh yes" i said replying to Nick.

Through the meeting i came to know that the company was almost experiencing bankruptcy and could only be saved if William agrees with the deal.

"So are going to sign the contract" Nick said with a smile

"I'll think about it" William said standing up which took every one by surprise.

"But we discussed this before, you agreed to sign the contract" Chase says.

"Don't i have any right to change my mind" he said his eyes fixed on me which made me shift uncomfortably on my sit.

"No problem you can take your time" Nick said with a smile even a mad man would know is fake.

"Let me ask someone to escort you to the elevator" Nick said shaking their hands.

"That won't be necessary Nick" I say while my nightmares say "That would be great" which made Nick smile.

"Let me ask someone to accompany you then".

Oh not me not me not me i kept on repeating in my head.

"Randa would you mind escorting this two gentlemen to the elevator" Nick said opening the door.

"Of course why wouldn't i" i reply through gritted teeth which made Chase let out a small laugh.


"So this is where you've been hiding huh Randa?" William ask.

"That would be Miss Anderson for you Mr knight" i say.

"You've been gone for too long" Chase said for he must have sensed the tension between us.

"Not long enough" i reply.

He opened his mouth to speak but i interrupted him.

"Look the elevator is here" i said hoping to never see them again.


"How was the meeting" Lauren asked as i approached her desk.how was the meeting she asked.

"Bad" i reply.

"Why" she pouted "did you not get the deal?" she ask

"no even worse".

"What can be worst that not getting the deal".

"when he says he will think about it".

"that's not bad".

"when the one signing the deal is your ex husband".

"What?! Adrian and Adrianna's sperm donor?" She ask almost choking. Which made me laugh.

"Why are you laughing this is definitely not a funny" she said crossing her arms.

"I know it's just that i never thought your reaction would be this hilarious".

"Did you tell Nick?" she said ignoring my statement.

"No i don't know how to tell him" i said looking at my feet.

"Randa" she said lifting my chin so that i can look at her "just tell him i know he will understand" she encouraged.

"okay wish me luck" i say going back to my office.

Sitting on my chair thinking of what to tell Nick i was interrupted by the phone Ringing.


"Is that miss Anderson" the speaker ask.

"Yes that's me how may i help you?".

"Am Edward parker Mr knight's personal assistant and i called to set an appointment with Mr knight on his behalf".

Peep peep I hanged off the phone and went to Nick's office. For i had nothing to discuss with Liam.



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