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"Why didn't you tell me?"

"And why should I?" I ask after recovery from the shock I just had

"Seriously Randa, am their father for crying out loud"

"No your not"

"Of coarse I am who else could it be then" he shouted slamming his palms on the desk.

"Someone you don't know" I say calmly but inside I was nervous as hell.

"Don't play with me Randa I know their my children"

"And if I say they are yours?"

"I want custody"

"but you won't have any"
I groan as the light of the sun hits me full on the eyes.

Rolling over i grab my pillow to cover my face and try to sleep again but give up after ten minutes of me not falling asleep.

Reaching my hand out i grope my bedside table till finally my hand land on my phone.

I grab onto it at wince at the bright light that emits from it before noticing the time on the phone.

11:37am it read but i was not affected by it as it is a sunday today which means no work.

After mentally debating myself about getting up or just staying in bed but choose to get up.

I crawl out of my bed and to the bathroom where i do my morning routine.

I pad into my room with my towel wrapped securely around me as i go into my closet and quickly wore a pair of black ripped jeans and a white top saying "The Beatles".

I throw my hair into a ponytail not bothering to do much for i know i won't be going anywhere. And made my way towards the kitchen.

"Mommy!! mommy!!" My twins shouted when they saw me approaching them and came to hug my legs.

"How are my angels doing today?" i ask while playing with their hair.

"Great, we are making cookies" they both replied in unison with excitement written all over their faces.

Did i mention my children were cookie monsters? No? Then let me tell you they are very big ones.

"That's wonderful" i say and kiss both their cheeks before finally entering the kitchen.

"Finally your awake" exclaimed Lauren as soon as i entered the kitchen.

"wow good morning to you too" i say with sarcasm.

"Besides its not even late" i continue.

"Your joking right do you what the time is?". She asks faking annoyance.

"no miss but can you please enlighten me"

"It's 12:40pm" she says putting her hand on her waist like a grown woman scolding her child. Which made Nathalie who I did not notice was also in the kitchen laugh.

"Good morning Nathalie" i greet her and kissed her cheek.

"good morning Randa" she greeted while pushing the plate of pancakes and cup of coffee in front of me.

"So how are you feeling?"Lauren asks while taking the sit opposite me.

"fine" i say trying to give the best short answers I should give.

"Are you going anywhere today?"


"So did you make up your mind?"


"Randa, you do know it's only a matter of time before you lose both of them if you do not make up your mind fast right?" She said frustrated.

"I do have to agree with Lauren on that one, because he is a powerful man and can win the custodies' of both of them because of his money" Nathalie says also taking her seat.

If it was not for the situation I was now in, I would have thought that they planned to talk to me or should I say planned to held this meeting for it looks like a meeting to me before I woke up.

After berating my self for my stupidity in forgetting who my ex husband is and what he can do with his money I finally spoke.

"So what am I suppose to do?"

"Make an appointment with him again and try and negotiate with him" Lauren replies.

"I already tried negotiating with him but he wouldn't listen to me" I say.

After telling him he won't have any custody over my children he went from a calm and collected man to a hungry gorilla and promised to use his power and money just to get custody of our children.

"Was Chase there?"

"Yeah but I don't know what he being there has anything to with the topic we are talking about"

"Of coarse it has something to do with it"

"Sure it has" I say sarcastically

"Make an appointment with him privately and all is well" she says obviously ignoring my sarcasm.

"He already ignored my negotiation so what will setting a private meeting change?"

"It won't change anything but you can change his mind"

"How?" I ask confused

"Do you really want me to explain to you how to change his mind when you meet him privately" she said emphasizing the "privately" making my cheeks heat up.

"Not gonna happen"

"What's not gonna happen?"

"What your thinking"

"That you keep on negotiating with him until he finally agrees?" She said smirking knowing that's not what I was thinking about.

"Forget it" I say frustrated and going to the living room.

"Mommy mommy, look what I have drawn" Adriana says sitting on my lap.

"Its beautiful" I say admiring the drawing but noticed the little pout on her lips.

"What's wrong baby girl?" I ask Worriedly.

"Their is only one person in the background" she says pouting


"In Jessy's picture their are two people in the background and when I asked her she said its her mum and Dad so where is my dad?"she said looking at me with hopefull innocent eyes.

I just stood there jaw dropped because I never thought a six year old almost seven will ask that kind of question.

"Your dad is in a far away land and misses you very much". I turned around to face Lauren who just answered my babies question while sending her a thank you through my eyes.

"Will he ever come back?". I turned around to face my daughter with wide eyes wondering where all this questions came from.

"Yes honey he will".


"Very soon" Lauren replies.

"promise?" She says the hopefulness never leaving her eyes

"promise" Lauren says hugging her while I just stood their digesting what just happened.

"It's now up to you" Lauren says into my ear before going.


Am so sorry i could not update earlier even though i reached my goal which i am really proud of. But this past weeks have been so hectic that i did not have time to update but i hope you all can understand.

Next chapter would be when this book reaches 75k and when I gain 150 followers. I love you guys soo much "Muah".


Peace hugs &; hippie love. ...Amyy

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