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That's it no more promises! Since I can't keep them.


I woke up due to a person shaking me, Violently I might add. Slowly opening my eyes I came in contact with two hazel eyes staring right into my soul.

If it were another person,he or she would have probably screamed by now as waking up to someone staring right through you, face less that four inches away from yours is very uncommon.

The pair of hazel eyes that interrupted my peaceful sleep belonged to my now very annoyed looking bestfriend Lauren.

If looks could kill I would've been six feet under.

"What", I question with a yawn as she seems to have said something.

With a huff she replies "I've been trying to wake you up for about fifteen minutes now, but all you've been doing is mutter some nonsense", she complains.

Ignoring her annoyed glare I enquire "what is the time anyway?".

"Five-thirty, we have less than two hours to get ready".

"That is still a long time Laur, I could still sleep for half an hour more", I say making an attempt to go back to bed.

Key word here ATTEMPT because I was suddenly yanked from the bed making me forcefully sit up, by back against the bed head.

"What was that for?", I huff annoyed. I really hated when someone interrupted my sleep.

"You look like you got ran over by a truck, with the way you look right now it'll take approximately two hours for you to look like human again", she parroted.

"If not human, what do I look like to you?", I question sitting up.

"Worst than the devil", she retorts.

Not willing to extend our bickering any further I got down and made my way towards the bathroom, after sending her "I'll be quick"

"Don't say things you know are impossible for you", she parrots as I close the bathroom ignoring her completely

My idea of "I'll be quick" apparently meant twenty-five minutes later. Laurens aggressive banging against the bathroom door quickly stopping my daydream "I'm coming", I shout. Pulling my towel and wrapping it around my body.

"I'll be quick", Lauren says in a high pitched voice referring to what I said earlier.

Not that my voice is that irrating as she believes.

Ignoring her, I make my way to my bed where Lauren laid the black dress she showed me earlier. Not wanting to argue with her any longer I keep my thoughts about the dress to my self and wore it.

The dress reached down to my ankles and not admitting this to Lauren, the dress was absolutely stunning. The only problem? It looked like a dress one would wear to a gala rather than to a restaurant down town.

Sitting in front of my mirror, I start applying my makeup most of which I didn't buy for myself.

Thanks to makeup tutorials I've watched for the past five years, I was slowly becoming an expert at this.

I could've started practising at a much earlier time but never saw the importance of doing so. I wasn't into makeup during my teenage years and mostly just applied lipgloss to all events. During my early 20's however, I got invited to more events and my regular lipgloss statement wasn't doing it. During that time, I had a professional makeup artist at my call for every event.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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