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Aria's POV
I use my key to unlock my apartment door and stepped inside. It wasn't very big, it only had one bedroom, that was attached to the kitchen, living room and dining room. It was all I needed though. All I needed to start over. Somewhere far away from Rosewood. Somewhere far away from Ezra.
I stared down at the ring that was gleaming in the sun light. I hadn't taken it off and I didn't plan on it. This situation wasn't forever, it was only temporary. It was something to show Ezra what it felt like to disappear for awhile and him not knowing where I was. I hope he's worried sick. I lay my bag down on the kitchen table and pour myself some coffee. A perfect way to end a stressful day at my new job. As I make my way to the couch, I see something that I hadn't noticed when I came in. A big envelope sat on the floor right beside my door. The mail man must have put in through the door slot. I set down my coffee on the side table and see what was in the letter. I wasn't expecting any mail but I bent down to pick up the envelope when I noticed the sending address. Rosewood. I retrieved the envelope and brought it over to the couch. I ran my fingernail across the seal, opening it with ease. There wasn't a letter inside, their was a small disk. I removed the disk and threw the envelope onto the table. I was sure my laptop was in one of the boxes I hadn't unpacked yet so I went to my closet and drug the cardboard boxes across the carpet. I flung open the flaps and scrambled through the things inside. I finally found the laptop in the second box. I brought it back to the table where I inserted the disk into the side. The screen was fuzzy for a second but then the video started. All I saw at first was a chair against a tan wall. I was sure I recognized that color from somewhere. I heard beeping noises and then footsteps. A man was walking towards the chair, facing away from me, but I knew who it was. I would recognize him anywhere. It was Ezra. He sat down on the chair and faced the camera.
"Hi, Aria. It's Ezra. I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Sorry for everything that happened" He said
I stared at the screen where he was sighing. I whipped the tears from my cheeks, he had found me. He had somehow found me.
"I just wanted to tell you about the whole situation. I know you saw it on TV and that's why you left. I found your note" He continued
I remembered how after finding out that Spencer was alright, I rushed back to the apartment and scribbled a note. I told him how I saw him and Nicole and how I needed a break. I told him that I needed space and to not try to find me, but he obviously didn't listen.
"I know I'm disobeying one of your rules you left for me but I couldn't just sit here and have you not know what happened. Caleb tracked your cellphone so I got your address. I'm here to tell you what happened and if you don't want to know I respect your decision. I just wanted to send this to prove to you that I love you"
I paused the video for a second, taking the time to rub the tears that were hanging onto my chin. I pushed play and he continued to talk.
"I was coming home Aria. I promise I was coming home. I was boarding the plane when the police stopped me. They told me they think they found Nicole and they told me to follow them. I wanted to come home to you Aria. I was coming home" He told me.
His eyes were glassy. His blue eyes had tears streaming out of them.
"Nicole was there. Nicole was actually alive. It was a shock to me. I saw her and I don't know Aria. Everything happened so fast. I hugged her. I was happy she was okay. She leaned in to kiss me and I wasn't thinking. I went with it. I don't know what got into me. I'm not the cheating type. Especially with a person that I love so much. A person that I'm going to marry someday. And I know this is extreme but I know I'm going to marry you, Aria. I'm going to marry you. I was on the plane the next day. Nicole was fine and that's all I needed to know. I told her I was engaged to you, the love of my life. I was coming home. I was coming home to my fiancé. I felt so guilty on the plane ride home, that I planned on telling you the whole story. Then when I got off the plane in Philly, you guys were all over the news. One of you had been shot. They didn't release the name of who had been shot so I called you right when I got off the plane. It went right to voicemail so I tried again and still didn't get an answer. So many things ran through my head in those minutes. What if you'd been shot? What if something bad had happened to you? I just couldn't take it, Aria, so I rushed home as fast as possible. I can't lose you, if I did, I'd have lost my best friend, my soulmate, my smile, my laugh, my everything. I hope you know that. I hope you know that your the one I want. I got home and saw your letter on the kitchen counter. I still have it Aria. I still have the letter a month later, streaked with my tears. I had messed up and I know I did. I'm just asking for forgiveness and if you can't give me that then I just want to know you're okay. I want to make sure you're safe" He took a breathe after his long story.
"I love you, Aria. I love you so much it hurts. It hurts knowing you're not here with me right now like we're supposed to be. We are supposed to be married right now. We were supposed to be in Tuscany. None of this was supposed to happen. I'm going to end the video since you know the whole story now. If you don't want to see me ever again, I understand. I just wanted to tell you the story. I love you, Aria. Goodbye"
He got off the chair and then the camera went black. I was crying puddles now and I didn't care. I didn't bother whipping it off.

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