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Aria's POV
Monday had finally arrived and I was more than thrilled. Everyone would be staying at our house which was overwhelming but exciting. We have two extra bedrooms and a basement so there was plenty of room for everyone. We decided we would meet everyone at the airport so we could go get dinner.
"Ezra, what time is it?" I ask and he checks his watch.
"What time is it now?" I question
"Aria it's still 5:58"
"I'm just so excited to see them" I say
"I know. Me too" He pulls me into his side where I lay my head on his shoulder.
I hear the sound of screaming and people's shoes hitting the ground so I turn around. The people running towards us were my friends. I was sure we had a name for ourselves at this airport. Always embarrassing ourselves.
"Aria!" Emily calls, reaching me first and wrapping her arms around me.
Toby and Caleb gave Ezra a firm handshake and hug, congratulating him on the engagement as I hugged the girls. When it was Hanna's turn, I noticed something new sparkling on her finger.
"Did Caleb finally pop the question?" I ask and she shakes her fingers in the air.
"Yes and I said yes!" She squeals although I could tell she said yes, it was usual Hanna and I loved her.
"We're so excited to be here. Our little Aria's getting married" Spencer says, pulling me into another hug.
"I can't believe it" I announce "it feels like a dream"
"Hey we need to get going if we want to make the reservation" Ezra calls and I motion all the girls to follow.
Ezra took the boys with him in the car and we all took a cab, like we were on a bachelorette party. Emily whispered in the the drivers ear and I raised my eyebrows.
"What did you tell him?" I ask.
"I thought he'd make a good boyfriend for my mom so I asked for his number" She smiles
"Take us to the The Stovehouse please" I say and the driver nods.
Ezra and I had tried this restaurant the first full day I spent in California and absolutely loved it. It seemed appropriate to take my best friends here for their welcome party. I watched as the restaurant came into view and I slung my purse over my shoulder, preparing to get out, but we drove right past it.
"Hey you missed the restaurant" I told the driver and Hanna giggled.
I must have blanked out during the drive since I hadn't noticed that they had put on party hats and were holding noise blowers.
"Welcome to your  bachelorette party" Hanna calls, popping a little confetti canyon, which i was sure the driver didn't want to have to clean up later.
"Surprise" Alison smiles and I was sure I was in for one hell of a night.

Ezra's POV
"So you asked Hanna to marry you?" I asked Caleb, sipping my beer.
"Yeah last week"
"Congrats man" Toby says, punching him in the arm.
"Let's enjoy our last night of freedom" Caleb jokes, holding him glass up for a toast.
"Boys to men. Boys to married men" Toby laughs as he held up his beer.

Aria's POV
"Where are we going?" I question but Hanna shakes her head.
"It's a surprise"
I had been blindfolded ever since we drove past the restaurant and I was starting to get hungry.
"There better be food cause I have two growing babies inside of me and I'm hungry"
"I promise there will be food" Emily assures me.
"Okay we're here" Alison says.
I hear the door open and someone is leading me out of the car.
"Can I take this off yet?" I ask
"Not yet" Hanna says and I realize she's the one holding onto my arm. "Okay we're walking"
I hear another door opening and then we're inside. The smell is lovely. It smells like cake and flowers. I'm glad we weren't at a bar.
"So we know how you don't like bars or strip clubs although that's where'd I'd go at my bachelorette party..." Hanna drags on and someone hits her on the arm. "Ouch"
"So we brought you somewhere you'll enjoy" Spencer's voice floats closer to me.
"You can take it off now"
I slowly remove the blindfold and drop it to the floor with astonishment. We are in a small banquet room that is decorated to perfection.
"How did you get this done? You were in Rosewood?" I question, still surprised.
"We have our ways" Hanna says
There a table that has a chocolate fountain and many different fruits and snacks. Another table with little appetizers and drinks. The last food table was filled with desert like cake and cookies.
"Thank you so much" I squeal, starting to cry.
"Aria, why are you crying?" Hanna questions "It's the hormones" I say and everyone laughs.
"Did you see this?" Hanna asks leading me over to a table I didn't notice.
There sat a pile of presents.
"We thought we'd combine a baby shower or should I say babies shower" She pauses to laugh at her own joke. "And a bachelorette party"
"I love it guys" I pull them into a group hug "thank you"
"Anything for you, Ar" Spencer says and my smile grows big.
"I want to know how you seriously pulled all this off" I says laughing
"We kind of flew in earlier today to set this up and faked getting off the plane" Alison confesses and I smile.
I have such amazing friends and an amazing fiancé and two amazing babies. How did I get this lucky?

Ezria: Come back to me Where stories live. Discover now