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Aria's POV
I didn't tell anyone I was coming. I knew they'd all want an explanation. I know I owed it to them but not right now. I crept into the brew slowly, getting stares and whispers from almost everyone. I ignored them and made my way up the stairs to our apartment. It felt weird to call it "our"apartment after I'd spent so much time away from it, but this was my home. It was where I felt safe. I opened the door, using my key and stepped inside. Everything was put away perfectly. The bed was made. The dishes were clean. Nothing littered the floor. I walked over to the kitchen table and found my letter on top of it. Like Ezra said, it was streaked with wet marks that made the pen I had used smear, but you could still make out the words. I set down the letter and walked to the TV stand. A new picture was sitting in the replace of Nicole's. It was of me. It must have been from a long time ago since my hair was long. I picked up the frame, holding it up to my face. It was when we'd gone on our first official date. We went to an art show. He took this picture at dinner. I was smiling wide, with the fork close to my mouth. I was so happy. I should be happy. I set the frame back where it belonged and proceeded around the room. The yellow Hollis t-shirt was folded nicely on the bedside table as if it was waiting for me to wear it. Or Ezra was keeping it there in hopes I'd wear it again. Not today. I just wanted to talk for now. I opened the door to the bathroom.
"Ezra!" I call out, but the apartment was silent.
I call his name once more. No response. I head to the door and lead my way down the stairs. I head to my car, cellphone in hand.
"Hey Spence. It's me" I say into the phone.
"I know I've been off the grid for awhile but I'm back in Rosewood and I want to tell you everything"

Ezria: Come back to me Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant