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Aria's POV
We finally arrived at the doctors office and surprisingly we weren't late. Ezra and I sat down in the waiting room. I flipped through a magazine while Ezra sits impatiently. He was so cute when he was nervous.
"Aria Montgomery-Fitz" A nurse calls and Ezra shoots up.
"That's us! Well her" He calls, suddenly getting excited.
Oh how much I loved this man.
"Just Fitz" I correct her.
Although we aren't officially married yet, I feel the need to correct anyone who calls me Aria Montgomery. I was a Fitz in spirit.
"So you just need to change into this gown" The nurse instructs leading us into a small room.
"The doctor will be in soon"
She exits the room, leaving me time to change. I take off my pants and Ezra laughs.
"Hey what's so funny?" I ask, pulling the gown over my head.
"Cute buns" He says, snickering.
"Oh shut up, you goof"
Once I was changed, the doctor came in.
"So just jump up on that table" He instructs and Ezra thought it was his duty to help me up.
The doctor squeezes the cold gel and presses a small device against my stomach. Ezra sits in a chair, close to the table and holds my hand.
"So you guys want to know the gender?" The doctor asks and Ezra literally screams.
"Yes please!"
"Alright then" The doctor moves around the device.
"Well looks like you guys have twins" He says, smiling.
"We're having twins?" My mouth hangs open.
Ezra looked more exited than I was.
"We're having twins" He squeezes my hand.
"So baby number one is a boy" The doctor says, inspecting the screen. "And baby number two is a girl"
"No way" I say, still shocked that we were having two babies.
"We were both right" Ezra smiles at me.
"You're still not naming our baby Ezra" I say pointing at him.
"We'll see about that" He says, kissing my head.

Ezria: Come back to me Where stories live. Discover now