Chapter 5 - Evidence

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"I am L." He stated in a monotone voice. This wasn't just a crush anymore, I was in love with him. The way he stood, his posture, he just looked amazing. I could stare at him all day. The way his hair fell over his face. He rubbed his feet together and let out a sigh.

"I can't believe it, this is a dream come true," I whispered under my breath.

"What was that."

"Oh, nothing. I said I'm finally happy to meet you."

"Yes, I know."

"Do you?"

"(Y/N), I'm sure you know how easy it is to hack into computers these days." He sounded exasperated.

"Yes, of course, my internet history. I should've known" I said embarrassed. He walked over to a chair and crouched on it. His knees were up to his chest and his hands rested on top of them. He looked so adorable.

"(F/N) (L/N), do you know why you are here."

"I think so, I'm 95.67% sure it's because of the Kira case. I'm guessing you want me to work alongside me." I paused. "Am I right?"

"Very smart (Y/N). I'm impressed. I want you to work along side you. I caught an interest in you when we looked at your progress on the case. I hope you don't mind that we swept your apartment last night. Your notes are quite interesting I must say."

Watari placed a cup of tea and a bowl of sugar cubes in front of L. He simply tasted the tea then started placing sugar cubes in his drink. A total of 12.

"Thanks, umm I'm sorry. How much sugar do you require."

"Sugar helps me keep my concentration." I just simply nodded. "This case is the most difficult case I've ever dealt with. By now I would've solved this case, but it is quite challenging for me. I think you will be very helpful for this case. Although I must say. There is a 46.28% chance that you are Kira, but if you are not Kira, the truth will be revealed."

"Yes, I was thinking that exactly L."

"I'm sorry but here you must refer to me as Ryuzaki, for security purposes."

"I understand, Ryuzaki."

"And as a security precaution, your alias will be Katori Yumi. With Kira on the loose, we don't know who we can trust." He handed me an ID card. "Welcome to the case (Y/N)."

"Thank you, I'm honoured. But what about school and my parents."

"It's all being dealt with already. You will be staying here in the hotel with me and Watari. It just makes it easier. Plus, you did say you could have graduated when you were in grade 9 so I'm sure it's no big deal. All your clothes have being moved into my room.

"Y-your room."

"I don't sleep. I am an insomniac, so I never use the room."

"I should have guessed. That explains the bags under your eyes." I chuckled nervously. He just simply grunted in acknowledgement and indicated to take a seat in the chair next to him.

"So (Y/N), tell me about your findings."

"Certainly." I pulled my notepad out of my backpack and handed it to him.

"No please, go ahead." He mumbled through a piece of cake. It made him sound so cute.

"Well, I suspect that Kira is a student an-" He cut me off.

"Yes, I suspected it too."

"That's a good start. And I think that he thinks that he is some kind of god, who wants to rid the world of evil. Sure, some criminals deserve to die, but that doesn't mean it's the right thing do."


"But I think I know who Kira is." L's eyes widened,

"(Y/N), please continue."

"I think that-". The door opened and then entered 6 men into the room. L turned his head.

"(Y/N), we will continue this later," he whispered. He stood up and walked in front of the men.

"I am L."


The power went out and there was a scary storm, Luckily I was rescued by @parnianimal and now I have power. I will post more chapters later tonight. Enjoy =)

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