Chapter 72 - In Sickness We Love

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WOah, ok so. I can explain. Sorry it's been a while, my bad~well partly. So first, my dad is out of hospital yay! but that was 2 weeks ago. I have been busy with school and have also had a massive mind block. I don't know how crappy this chapter will be but please dont be mad. Also thanks to Spidergwinn2099 for giving me the idea for this chapter. Plus I'm having to catch up on 2 years of Japanese.

ありがとう Author-chan =)


I walk out of the lift and into the main area where the Task Force are. The just stare at me. "W-What happened to you?!" Matsuda asked in surprise. I was a mess, my clothes were all back to front and my hair was messy with a brush stuck in it.

"Bad night." I reply.

"Clearly." I rub my eyes sleepily then yawn.

"Where's L?"

"I haven't seen him all day." That was unlike him. Usually he would be there for days on end. Where could he be, he wasn't in my room, I checked. I remembered about the secret room he used while he was "dead". I started to run down the hallway and ran past Light. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back. It stung my arm.

"Hey (Y/N). Where are you going in such a rush at this hour of the morning."

"Would you stop grabbing me by the arm. I am a human, I have ears."

"Yes, but you won't listen to me otherwise."

"Point proven." I crossed my arms in annoyance.

"Gee, you look like a mess." He saw the brush stuck in my hair. "Need a hand?" It was tugging and did hurt a lot. I nodded with reluctance. He moved a thin hand up to my hair. I flinched as it made contact. "No need to be afraid of me." He whispered. "I won't hurt you, I'm here to protect you." His low Kira voice. It made a shiver go down my spine. He tugged gently at the brush and pulled it out then shoved it back into my hand. I looked up at him, he was too close to my face for my liking. His breath smelled like apples. I stepped back from him. "You owe me."

"I owe Kira nothing. You did this to me, I almost died. Who I am today was all because of you!" I said angrily pointing a finger at him.

"I will repay you with the honour of being the goddess of the new world."

"That is no honour of mine. The honour of mine will be seeing you put to death. I thought we were on good terms but I obviously guessed wrong. Although, three years have passed. I have no idea who you are anymore." There was fire pulsing through my voice. I continued to run down the hallway then disappeared around the corner. Huffing and puffing I pushed open the door and ran into his private room. "L?" No reply. "Lawliet?" I turned the corner and into the lounge room. I saw him lying on the couch unconscious but not crouched in his usual position. He must be sleeping but he was breathing uneasily. I placed a gentle hand on his forehead. It felt like it was burning my skin. He had a high temperature. He was sick. I walked weakly into the kitchen and pulled a thermometer out of the drawer. I pulled away one of his thin pale lips carefully and stuck it in. 38 degrees Celsius (100.4 in Fahrenheit for u Americans). He had a high fever. I wanted to pick him up and carry him to a more comfortable place but I felt too weak. But with all my strength and will power I carried his light weight body, stumbling at every step, gritting my teeth. I reached the bed and dropped him on it which caused him to wake up. "I'm sorry that I dropped you, it was hard to carry you."

"(Y/N), where am I?" He said groggily.

"In the secret room, you have a very high fever."

"No I can't be sick; I never get sick. Trust me, I'm ok." He propped himself up with one arm. All of a sudden his pale face became green, not a good sign. I ran into the bathroom and found some sick bags.

"Here take this."

"I-I think I am sick (Y/N)." He put the bag on the side table and closed his eyes.

"No kidding Lawliet." I went into the kitchen and ran a cloth under cold water. I returned to his side and knelt down next to him and carefully wiped the sweat off his face.

"You know; you should have been a nurse in the emergency room instead of working here, you seem like that kind of person. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be in this mess." His dark eyes glowed genuine sorrow.

"Well I'm a detective and it's a mess that I like because you're in it." I smiled at him and continued to wipe the sweat away. He closed his eyes and lay his head down on the pillow. He intertwined my hand with his and traced a finger over the ring, as if reminding himself why he even bothered to exist.

"Such a pretty nurse." He whispered. My cheeks instantly blushed a deep read and I moved the cloth over his mouth tightly. I quickly pushed my hair back and stood up. Kissing him lightly on the forehead I went to leave the room but was stopped by his words. "This will all be over soon. I know it." I knew what he meant, Light Yagami.

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