FINAL: Moments In Time

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Moment in time: 1

He paced up and down the room smiling down at the two new faces. I let another steady breath out as the final nurses cleared the room. Giving birth – let's say I never want to do that ever again. But it was all worth it just to see the massive grin on my husband's face. One boy, one girl. I let my eyes slide close with contentment as I hear one of them make a squeaking noise. To think that I had come this far, I had a family now. I was just a 12th grade high schooler when my life changed. I had lost friends, family and nearly died myself. If only my parents could see me now – they'd be so proud. I have a husband, a house, a job, and two beautiful children.

"Thought of any good names?" I hear his voice ring out, slightly less monotone than usual. We wanted to wait to see what they looked like before we chose the names or more rather we were both caught up in work and cases to be able to properly talk about it. He comes back over and gently passes the two godsends to me. I stare down at the girl who already has some dark wispy hair, then the boy, who has more of a dark brown fuzz. I got lost in thought of the two resting faces as Lawliet asks me the question again. "(Y/N)?"

"Hhm?" I bring my attention to the father of our children. "The girl reminds me of you..." I look back down to her peaceful face, her chubby cheeks. "Ayame. That'll be her name." (Ayame means Iris). He picks her up with a smile.

"Well Ayame, it's nice to meet you." He whispers down at her. L takes her little hand and shakes it gently. I couldn't help but smile at the cute exchange. "And the boy Sachiko." (Meaning essentially happiness.) I nodded in agreement. In their short time, they had brought me a lot of happiness. I was just glad that they were going to be growing up in a world rid of Kira. Light.


Moment in time: 2

I sat there in the chair of our living room holding Sachiko who bounced up and down happily. I held the camera steady as Lawliet grabbed both of Ayame's hands and helped her walk across the wooden floor. Her little feel plodded unevenly but she managed to make it to the end. We all clapped with joy and praised her – she squeaked with happiness. L let go of her and she stood all by herself. She took a step, then another, then another. She wobbled and fell into his arms. They had been her first steps, I was happy that I got that on camera – I would be able to relive that moment again and again. The two of us smiled broadly at our little girl's achievement.


Moment in time: 3

"It won't be scary I promise." I knelt down to the little boy with brown hair. I held out my pinkie for him to take. He took it with his small finger and shook it. "Now, remember what I said. You can't go telling people dad's name okay?"

"Okay mummy."

"Good boy." I hug the small child who was bursting with energy. "Go get your shoes on and we will meet dad and Ayame in the car." He nodded and ran down the hallway, his backpack bouncing behind him. Sachiko was like me, bursting with energy and constantly excited. Ayame was like her father, quiet and smart. She was already reading simple novels and completing simple maths equations. Sometimes when it was my day off work L would take her to work with him. Matsuda and the others had stayed by his side and they all worked hard and diligently and loved Ayame. She would run around headquarters terrorising everyone and leave Watari to clean up the big mess that she regularly made. Now she could only do it on weekends since now they started school.

L and I had decided to send them to an English-speaking school. Being multi-lingual was definitely worth it. Especially since we moved around a lot because of work. Sometime England, others America, sometimes Australia, maybe even China. But Japan was my home – our home.

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