Chapter 73 - The Beginning of the End

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PLEASE READ ~ As the title sudgests I will be bringing this story to an end but dont worry there will be like 10 chapers or so of this BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT ~ After I finish it I WILL be WRITING MORE of this, like one shots just of other things and scenarios basically until they die or something (probs of old age). Also I can't beleive that I have had over 9000 reads! Thank you so much to all the people that have greatly been supporting my story, escpecially the people who have been here since the begining. I couldn't have done it without you. (Cring mode enabled ~ Cheesiness level 1000000000%)

ALSO ALSO ALSO! I'm terrible with tenses and I've been doing most of it in past tense but I kept switching in this story so now I'm gonna try and make it present tense.

Author-Chan =)


What fanfic should I write next. I still have my other Death Note one but I was thinking of maybe Portal 2 or Yuri on Ice. What do you think I should write next? Suggestions are open for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING except smut obviously.


(One Month past L's sickness)

The bang of a gun goes off, time slows down and it echoes through my now ringing ears. A searing pain like no other fills every nerve of my body. I try to scream out in pain but my mouth only parts slightly before I feel myself falling rapidly to the stony floor beneath me. I hear nothing but my heart beating fast in my ears. A pain so great is pinpointed to the back of my head. All my thoughts are clouded and I start to panic. I find it hard to catch my breath, it feels like I am suffocating. I try to push my hands out to break my fall but nothing moves, my muscles failed me. I feel the stones press sharply into my skin and my limp arm rests perfectly in front of me. My whole body is numb and blackness appears in the corners of my vision as I slip away in forceful unconsciousness. I narrow my eyes and stare at the red string tied around my wrist. With my last effort of energy try to turn my head to look at my perfect Lawliet but nothing moves. I fell one single tear roll down my cheek as my vision becomes total blackness.

I shot up in bed, my breath snatched away from me. I gasp for air. Panting wildly, I hold the back of my head and feel the nasty scar. I hadn't ever had I nightmare about the incident but why now? Why all of a sudden did it come back to me? My mouth feels dry like summer desert so I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and stumble through the pitch blackness into the kitchen. After pouring myself a glass of cold water I make my back to my lonely bed but as I walk into the room I hear a cold voice. "Bad dreams?" I instantly drop the cup out of shock. It was the voice I recognised only too well. Light Yagami.

"What are you doing here?!" I say angrily through the darkness.

"Where? Here?" I feel his body press up against my back but I turn around and push him off. My feet slip on the water and I fall to the ground, the broken shards cutting in my hands, arms, face and legs. "Here, let me help you."

"No." I push myself up in the darkness and feel his breath on my neck. Cold arms slip around me and I shudder with the sting of the wounds. I was fed up with this, I had had enough. It was time for Light Yagami to come to an end. "Get away from me." I growl.

"I only want to talk to you, that's all." I reach out to turn on the lights but his grip tightens, stopping me. I wince in pain.

"L-Light, you're hurting me." His grip tightens again. "L-Light p-please. W-What do you w-want." I wheeze out.

"What do I want, you know what I want." His voice lowering.

"I SAID NO!" My elbow meets his face with a crushing blow and he flies backwards. I rush over and turn on the lights to see him splayed out on one of the couches. Why did I have to land in the glass, why not him. "I won't be the goddess of the new world." I stride up to him and tug at the collar of his shirt. "Ever!" I spit in his face. His eyes which look a shade red were quivering with fear. He knows not to mess with me too much, but this was too much. After an intense starting match I tighten my grip on his shirt and pull him out of the chair. I drag his helpless body out of the room and press the button for the life. "Get out!" I throw his body through the open doors which and press the bottom floor.

"Goodbye (Y/N)." He whispers through the closing doors. I glare at his smiling face, his brown hair shaking violently as he starts to laugh while the doors finally close. The room goes dark again, the only light coming from my bedroom. My world starts to spin as I stumble out onto the balcony. I collapse to my knees, gripping at the railings I take deep breaths in as the blood drips to the floor. I hear the door slide open behind me. I shiver from the cold only for warm arms to enclose around me.

"Are you ok?" His low monotone voice comforts me. I nod as I pull myself up and stare off into the neon city, the breeze blowing through my hair. I turn to face the raven haired man whose pale skin reflects softly against the lights. I slide my stinging hands up onto his shoulders and bury my face into his chest. Breathing in his scent.

"I-I'm sorry." I take my hands and face away from him and look at his now bloody shirt. "Your shirt." I point. He takes my hands gently and turns them over so all the cuts are revealed. With his chewed but long nail he gently pulls out a shard of glass then brings my blood stained hand gently up to his pale lips and kisses it gently. I stare into his dark eyes which are now reflecting bright colours. "Everyone is wrong about you. They don't understand you like I do, except for Watari."

"You're right, they don't." He replies gently. He turns my hands back over and inches closer to my face. I intertwine one of my hands with his despite the sting and bring my other up to his shoulder. I move forward and plant a gentle kiss on his thin lips.

"I am yours forever and always." I smile at him and turn to face the city. He presses his body close to mine and snakes his arms around my face. Leaning over slightly he rests his chin on my shoulder and I move my blood stained hands over his. The perfect moment of recovery.

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