Chapter 26 - Misa

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I walked up to Light's house to ask him about Ukita. I knocked on the door and Sayu opened it up. "(Y/N)! I've missed you so much." I smiled and gave her a hug.

"Is Light home?" I said breaking the hug.

"Yeah, he's in his room."

"Thanks Sayu." I walked up the stairs and knocked on Light's door. I could hear muffled voices coming from behind it. When it opened I saw a girl standing behind Light, she had long blonde hair and a black dress on. "Is now a good time, can I come in? I can come back later" I asked Light.

"No its ok, just don't say anything about us. I have a plan." I nodded and entered. What was happening, what was his plan.

"Light, who's this?" The girl demanded with her hands on her hips.

"Uh Misa this is my friend (Y/N)."

"Well you betta not take Light from me, he's mine." She walked up to him and grabbed his arm possessively. I looked at Light confused.

"Don't worry, I won't and I-I'm not planning on it." Light faced her and put his hands on her shoulders.

"Now Misa, listen carefully. At no point in time can you kill (Y/N). She is very special to me."

"Wha, more special than me!" She threw her arms back in the air.

"No, no. Misa, in a different way."

"Oh phew. I was worried that she was trying to take you away from me." She turned and glared at me, what was her problem, who was she.

"(Y/N), can I talk to you for a moment. Outside." Light stated. We walked out and shut the door, making sure that we were away from her hearing range. "I can explain. Misa is the 2nd Kira. She has a Death Note and a Shinigami."

"And I'm guessing that she wants you to be her boyfriend." He scratched his head.

"Yeah, I said I would but only fake it. It's you who I really love." He took my chin in his hand and gently kissed my lips. I wanted to puke, I wanted to tell him that I didn't love him and that I loved L, but I need to keep my cover. I didn't like the fact that he was toying with her emotions.

"That's ok, but I what happens if she finds out that you are just using her."

"I've already told her, she seemed more than happy. Unfortunately, this means we can't be seen together a lot, but we can still see each other. I can't imagine a world without you."

"No, that would be stupid. If anyone saw us together it could seriously jeopardise your plan. We must have no connection like that while Misa is your girlfriend."

"Your right."

"As always." I said smugly. I was so happy, I could spend more time with L without worrying about Light, now that he had Misa to deal with. And if L and I were ever seen together by Light I can just say that I'm trying to find out his name. "Hey Light, do you want me to get close to L, maybe he will reveal his name."

"That's what Misa's for, she doesn't need to get close to him. Well not emotionally. She has Shinigami eyes that allow her to see people's names and when they are going to die. But getting close to L may have some benefits. It's worth a shot."

"Ok, I'll try my best to get close to him."

"Liiight." Misa's voice rung out.

"You should go now. I'll see you soon and good luck." He ran off back to Misa and I left, almost skipping. Once I arrived at the hotel I couldn't wait to tell L the good news. I burst through the door and jumped up into L's arms. He wasn't expecting it, so he almost didn't catch me. I was happily giggling.

"Why the sudden change in mood." He asked in his monotone voice. The task force just stared at us. I was completely oblivious to them.

"I need to tell you something." I pulled him by the hand into my bedroom and locked the door.

"What is it?"

"I have some good news and some bad news. Bad news first; a girl called Misa is the 2nd Kira and she has something called Shinigami eyes. That means she can see people's names and when they are going to die."

"So I've heard." His thumb was placed on his bottom lip, his other hand stuffed in his pocket.

"She wants to be Light's girlfriend but he is just using her to find out your name. No matter what, she must never see your face." He nodded, I could tell he was worried. I decided to quickly continue. "Ok, now it's time for the good news. I was talking to Light and I asked if it would be a good idea to get close to you. He approved which means we can be seen together in front of Light." I smiled at him dumbly. He placed a finger under my chin and tiled my head up. I stared into his dark eyes, they sparkled. He moved slowly forward and pressed his lips on mine, but only for a fraction of a second. He was teasing me, I grabbed his shoulders and locked lips with him, this time, not breaking apart. He eventually pulled away.

"I love you (Y/N)."

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