New Beginnings - Bonus 3

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Holy mother of sheep, 100K reads. This is amazing and it's all thanks to you! When I first started I never thought I'd come this far...ever! I've met so many amazing people on this journey that we shared together. People who have changed my life. So thank you, all of you for reading this story.


4 months later

I lean back in the chair and take a sip form my tea. Rain pitter patters down the window as I look out from our apartment in headquarters. I place the cup down on the table and walk towards the lift. I take it down to the main office. "Hey (Y/N)!" Matsuda waves me over.

"Hhmm?" I take a seat down on the lounge opposite him.

"We've got a new lead," Aizawa passes me a file of a case we are currently working on. I open the file and scan over the words.

"This is definitely going to turn the tables." Matsuda smiles happily.

"Yes, indeed." L comes from behind and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"So, Makini is our guy then?" I asked in conformation.

"And his psycho foreign girlfriend Mya." Aizawa added.

"I have notified the police of their whereabouts, they should take care of the serial killers." L says monotonously as he squeezes my shoulders and walks back to the computer lit desk, perching atop of the chair and taking a single sweet from a platter. I smile at the sight and start to relax knowing justice has been brought to the people, the right way. Things start to come to mind as I make my way back to the apartment floor. I sit at the dining table where my half empty cup lies.

Light crosses my mind subconsciously and my smile fades. I bring my hand slowly up to the back of my head and feel the bullet wound, scars that remind me of the suffering everyone went through, what my stupid choices put Lawliet through. Honestly, I was surprised that I wasn't totally messed up mentally, well. Flashbacks happen every now and then and that gets me down but L is always husband. He taught me to ignore the bad times and focus on the good things in life, like bringing justice to the people and that when I think of Light, to think about the good times we shared laughing joyously. He is good to me, kind, caring, everything that I need but never knew I needed.

Hands slide around my shoulders and embrace me in a hug. I stand up slowly and fling my arms around him and bury my head into the crook of his neck.

"I know what you need." He says.

"What?" I look up at him.

"You need to get out of here, kind of like a restart."

"What?! A-Are you firing me?!" He chuckles lowly.

"No no no, never. I mean we should buy a house." My mouth falls open in shock.

"Wait you mean..."


"YAY!" I laugh loudly and kiss his cheek and dance around the room, as he watches he smiles. "This is going to be amazing!"


2 months later

"I-I can't believe this..." I trailed off as we stopped in front of our new house. "I haven't lived in a proper house since I was three."

"Really?" Lawliet asked getting out from the passenger's side.

"Yeah, I used to live in a little village then my parents got new jobs all the way in Tokyo."

"Impressive," he replied monotonously.

"Eh, not really. I missed the sound of the birds and the sight of actual trees." I stopped in front of the door and turned to face my husband. "But then all this happened. So, I guess it turned out good." My lips curled at the corners forming a small smile.

"You guess?" He questioned.

"Haha, no. I know, everything turned out perfect." He smiled down at me in response and leaned in and pressed his warm pale lips to mine. We both smiled into the kiss then broke. "C'mon, we've got some unpacking to do!" I grabbed him by the hand and playfully dragged him into the house. Slipping off our shoes (well mine) at the Genkan we then stepped up to the brown wooden floor. This was home now, our home.


Also PLEASE check out my YouTube, it's one of the things I love doing and that I want to do as a job later in the future. I post weekly...mostly

I Don't Like Bullies || L Lawliet x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora