Chapter 50 - Just Like Family

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"Then- "I jumped off the couch and into his arms. "We can get married."

"I would love that." He started to spin me in circles, his hair was being pulled away from his face and his dark eye bags made his dark eyes glitter in the Light. I started laughing, his smile grew bigger. I started to feel very dizzy, so did he. L stumbled and fell to the ground. I landed right next to him. We were both laughing around on the floor for what seemed forever until Watari walked in the secret entrance.

"Watari! I'm so happy that my plan worked." I ran up to him and gave him a friendly hug.

"Thank you very much Miss (L/N)." He said formally.

"There's no need to talk to me formally and soon it's going to be Mrs Lawliet not Miss (L/N)." I beamed at him.

"Yes that is right Watari." L interrupted. Out of nowhere, like another layer of his personality had just been discovered, he moved closer to Watari and he pulled him into a tight hug. I looked at them in awe. L was right, it was like a father-son relationship. I moved into what was the kitchen to give them some space. In the pantry I found an endless supply of sweets. I also found a jar of chocolate-chip cookies and lay them nicely on a tray. When I walked back out they had parted and were engaged in conversation. I brought the tray to them.

"Now let's not waste time. We need to catch Kira." L reached out for the tray but I pulled it away from him. "They aren't all for you. Some are for Watari, he just died as well. It's not all about you" I giggled.

"But it's always about me."

"Well now I'm here and I'm a nice person who has social skills unlike you." He rolled his eyes and crouched down in one of the computer chairs and started tapping away at the keyboard. Watari happily picked up three cookies then said to me.

"I am very grateful to you (Y/N). Not just because you saved our lives but mostly because you have unlocked the true L, the L with emotion." I smiled at him then walked over to L and dumped the cookie tray in front of him. He instantly started to stuff his mouth full of them, crumbs were going everywhere. I gently wiped the crumbs away from his mouth.

"Now I'm a grieving fiancé and going to join my fellow grief stricken friends." I smiled at him then left the room. Before I could leave L yelled out to me.

(Y/N), you saw how I got in to this place. I have added your handprint."

"Thanks." With that I walked out. In the cleaning room there was a small screen displaying a view of the hallway. No one was around. I silently opened the door then slipped through. I changed my way of walking to a hunched figure of depression, you could say it looked a bit like him.

I entered the room where everyone was standing. I walked over to them, my hands stuffed into my pockets. "(Y/N). We have decided that Light should take Ryuzaki's place but only if it's ok with you." Matsuda said. Already he was being replaced, that was quick Light.

"Ummmm... sure." Light walked over to me and pulled me into a forced hug.

"(Y/N), I promise that I won't replace who he was to you."

"Sure Light, you don't like me at all." I whispered but sarcastically. He tightened his grip.

"Yeah you're right." He whispered. "I love you (Y/N)." I pushed him away then slapped him the face the hardest I had ever slapped anyone in my life.


"What do you think!" I walked past him and lowered my voice. "I'm after you Kira."

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