Chapter 69 - Time Lost

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Hey Guys, sorry that this is a short chapter. I will write more, trust me. I've got another five hours in the QANTAS lounge before my next flight. Thanks for the constant support. I cant beleive that I've almost got 3000 reads. This is amazing. Love you guys. =) Author-chan


"(Y/N), can you please tell me how you survived being shot in the back of the head?"

"Well that's a stupid question." I laughed at the neurologist. They all asked me the same questions over and over again. Not one doctor was different.

"Why is that?" He asked calmly.

"Maybe because I was in a coma for three years. How the hell am I meant to know what happened to me when I was unconscious the whole time!"

"Please, don't raise your voice." I groaned and leant back in my wheel chair.

"I'm sorry, but look at it from my point of view. The only people who know that answer to how I survived are the doctors that looked after me."

"I asked them too, they did not know either."

"A-Anyway, I'm not the person to answer this question. Can I go now?"

"Yes, but may I ask you what you think it could have been?"

"I think it was Ryuzaki, I think he's the reason I am still alive."

"And why's that?"

"Well..." I trailed off. "I think it's because he was by my side for the whole time. I think that's what gave my body determination to live."

"Very touching (Y/N). Yes, you may leave now." I smiled at him and wheeled myself out. My arms had started to get their muscle tone back. Max also said that soon I'll be able to walk again. By soon he meant at least another month. I reached my private room and pushed open the door with my hand. L saw me and rushed to hold the door for me.

"Thanks." I parked myself in front of the bed. "Could, you know-." He nodded and trudged over to me. Taking his hands out of his pockets he ever so carefully slid an arm under my knees and around my back. He stared into my eyes and I stared back into his. Instead of taking me to the bed he placed me on the couch and crouched down next to me. He took a hand off his knee and cupped the back of my head where the wound was, which now was a hidden scar. I hung my head low.

"They got what they deserved." He muttered, it was barely audible. "I wish they burn in hell." I jerked my head up at his sudden change in mood.

"L-Lawliet?!" He shook his head.

"I'm sorry, but what they did to you..." I carefully moved his black fringe out of his face.

"But I'm still here with you. That's what really matters." I leant on my other hand and leaned forward, pressing my lips to his. My arm collapsed out from under me and I fell onto him. He outstretched his legs and wrapped his arms around my back. I felt one of his hands slip under my shirt and his cold touch on my back sent shivers down my spine. I heard the door click open. I didn't pull away but opened an eye. I saw Matsuda out of the corner of my eye. L then reached out and threw a plastic bowl at Matsuda. It hit him straight in the face. He dashed out of the room. I chuckled through the kiss and wrapped an arm tightly around his neck. I broke away gently. "I won't ever leave you again Lawliet, I promise."

"Well that's something I'm willing to make you keep." He tightened his grip and gave me one of his special cute smiles. "We have a lot to make up for." He said smoothly yet seductively. I once again welcomed the sugary sweet taste of his thin pale lips. So much had happened in my life, so much that I never expected. Kira, Lawliet, Coma. Repeat, except this time, I'm changing coma to justice and it's going to stay that way.

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