Chapter 64 - Red Strings

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A smile grew across my face as I came up with a plan. I unhooked a flash bomb and dropped it into the room. I quickly slid shut the trap door then heard a pop. "AGH MY EYES." They screamed. I opened it up and jumped into the room. They were crawling on their knees trying to get their vision back. The light had blinded them for all except a few who were smart and shielded their eyes.

I quickly ran at them and attacked using some moves that L had taught me, but unfortunately they were stronger. My body was slammed against the wall as someone kicked me from behind. All the air escaped my lungs. I was then thrown to the floor and kicked in the stomach. I curled my body up in pain. I reached out and pulled one of the men down by the leg. I stood up and tried to run into the hallway but was pulled by the hair and punched violently in the face. My vision blacked out and I felt a trickle of blood come from my nose. They took my arms and started to drag me through the hallway. Lucy's father, Jack knelt before me.

"It's just so lovely to see you again (Y/N)." I glared at him and spat some blood in front of him. They took all my weapons away from me and dumped them on the floor. He then stood up. "Put her in with the other prisoner, we might actually find out something." I couldn't think straight, I had double vision. I could feel my clothes ripping and scratches covering my body as they dragged me through the rubble. I was picked up and thrown through a door. As I hit the floor the door closed behind me.

"(Y/N)." I weakly opened my eyes and saw L. I had found him. He crawled towards me and crouched down. "Are you ok?" I nodded as I pushed myself up and stared into his eyes. I attacked him with a hug.

"What the hell were you thinking you idiot!" I cried angrily.

"I'm sorry." I pulled away and rested my forehead against his. I then looked down and saw that he too had a red string tied around his wrist.

"Did Watari give this to you." I picked up his thin wrist.

"Yes." He almost seemed sad. "You have one too, did he tell you to bring this back to him." I nodded. "(Y/N), we will get out of this alive, I know that." He gently brushed his lips against mine. I longed for his kiss, his touch. He ran a finger down my bruised face and kissed me tenderly but passionately. I did not care if there were cameras in the room, I just wanted to be with my Lawliet. We broke apart then he wiped the blood from my nose.

"We need to get out of here." I whispered. The door slammed open as Jack burst into the room. He pulled me away from L and held a knife to my throat. My breathing became shaky as the cold metal sent shivers through my spine.

"Who is she to you?"

"You already know that." I wheezed out.

"I wasn't asking you!" He turned back to L. "Who is she to you." He stood up slowly. I sighed with relief when I saw that there was no blood on him, only my own. He knew that he couldn't win this battle.

"My work college." The knife pressed harder across my neck.

"Don't lie unless you want to lose her." His voice was cold and snappy. I could see the fear in L's dark insomniac eyes.

"She's my fiancé." He mumbled.

"Good." He said slyly. L had inched his was very close to me without Jack noticing. All of a sudden, in one quick movement L had taken the knife from him and was now holding him from behind with the knife to his neck.

"Well, it looks like the tables have turned." His low monotone voice said with enjoyment. I walked up to him and glared at him.

"Where is the bomb." He started laughing hysterically.

"Two floors up, but you will never be able to stop it. You actually have to have a brain."

"Good. It will be easy then." L said casually. I punched on of Jack's pressure points and he dropped unconscious to the floor. I cautiously opened the door but no one was around. We intertwined hands and ran for our lives. We turned into a corner and ran into a guard. L had no second thoughts and kicked him in the face. We reached the stairs and sprinted up them. By this point I was gasping to breathe. I tripped and fell on one of the stair.

"There they are!" Someone shouted. I heard more footsteps start to run up the stairs. L lifted me up onto his shoulder and continued to run. We burst through a door and into a spacious room. In the middle of it was the bomb.

"(Y/N), hold the door." He placed me down onto my feet and I jammed the door shut. I watched as he crouched down next to the huge device. He then opened a panel and started to type very quickly. I pushed harder against the door as the guards tried to break their way in.

"Hurry up!" The device started to beep and I heard L curse under his breath. My shoulder was bruised from leaning so hard against it. It beeped even quicker. The guards rammed the door once more and it sent me flying across the room. The door burst open and the guards ran in and surrounded us. The beeping stopped.

"Done. I disarmed it." L stood up slowly once he realised that we were surrounded. All of their guns were aimed at our heads.

"Well, well, well." Jack walked in.

"You just don't stay down do you?!" I sneered. He shook his head and laughed.

"What is L's real name?" I ignored him.

"Do you have a death note?"

"No, but we plan on giving Kira his name and face so Kira can freely rule the world."

"There's something you should know. The real L is dead, the new one is Kira."

"How would you know."

"Because I'm on the task force that is trying to catch Kira. I know who Kira is and he is my friend."

"That makes no sense little girl."

"I am no little girl, Lucy was! You killed your own daughter! She was only seven!" Anger was twisted through my voice.

"Speaking of ages should I remind you that today is your birthday." I bit my lip until blood trickled down my chin. "Shoot her." He sighed. I heard a loud bang then a searing pain in the back of my head. Everything went black.

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