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Liam POV

The twins were obviously driving Niall insane. Louis was constantly screaming and Harry -the fussy one- was whining all day.

It was clear he was coming down with Niall's cold, that he has yet to overcome. Niall was currently laying down on the sofa watching a Power Ranger marathon.

Louis was playing loudly with trains and Harry was being his usual fussy self and whining for milk while Liam tried to fix lunch.

Niall POV

Why is evewything so loud. Louis is screaming. Harry is whining and those trains, are woowooing like its a pawade.

Im done with the noise. My head huwts. I slid off the sofa and tapped Lou.

Louis:Wat Neil?

"Can you pwease pway with something quietew."

Louis: Nuuu weave awone.

He is so aggwavating. I picked up his twains an thew dem acroos the room.

"I said pway quiet Louis."

And i made the worse decision.....he started to cry.

Zayn POV

I turned my back for a minute to help finish lunch so harry could have a bottle and Louis starts to cry.

I turn the fire off underneath the mac and cheese and went into the living room.

"Niall what happened?"

Niall: Have headache so I told him pway quiet he say no so I thew his twain.

Zayn: Niall you cant just throw his toys.

He mumbled a why not under his breathe.

"Niall apologize to Lou."

Niall: No

"Come on Ni its apologize or go to the corner."

He walked himself to the corner and turned away from Lou and I mumbling 'Im not sowwy.'

I picked up Lou and slipped his dummy into his mouth. I grabbed his train and placed it in his hands.

He held it to his chest and laid his head on my shoulder. It is time for the twins nap. I quickly finish lunch, grabbed Ni out of the corner and fed a drowsy Lou.

Harry decided he only wanted milk and was passed out on Liam's chest. I grabbed Harry and gave Lou to Liam.

I went lay Harry in his crib and when I got back to the table i realized that Niall was face down sleeping in his macaroni.

I took a picture and lifted him into my arms. I wiped his face and went lay him down and Li and I's bed.

The twin really were pushing his nerves. I am happy that he didn't get a chance to go after harry.

Harry is rather sensitive so any kind of mean action towards him would have sent him into a full blown crying session.

After Louis was fully asleep I grabbed him and laid him in his crib as well. I grabbed Liam and decided we should go cuddle with Ni.

Kinda feeling this chappie. Until Next Time Byeeeeee

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