Sharp Turn

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Zayn POV

I was currently driving to my mum's. Karen wanted us to pass by her house later, because she wanted us to stay the night with her since it had been so long.  The twins were asleep in their carriers after fussing a bit with Liam because they had gotten hungry. Niall looked like he was asleep. We had finally made it to my Mum's house, so I parked the car and went to Niall's side opening the door. I unbuckled Niall and lifted him up, he was so limp I immediately I started to worry. I lifted my hand and touched his skin gently. He was cold and had goosebumps. I grew worried and put Niall back in the car. Niall didn't even move a muscle while Zayn looked over him.

"Liam don't get out of the car!"

Liam:Zayn what's the matter?

"Niall isn't waking up, his body is cold, and he isn't moving!"

Panic found its way to Liam's face. He turned and jumped to the back seat trying to tamper with Niall and getting him to wake.

Liam: Babe he is breathing, he is just unconscious. It's like he is in a coma, drive faster.

I hit the gas pedal and quickly made it to the hospital and I moved Liam out the way and grabbed Niall running up in there and asking for help. I might have threatened some people but they wouldn't let me in the back.

Fuck hospitals honestly. I ran back to Liam and helped him with the twins. I grabbed Louis' carrier and the nappybags. Liam grabbed Harry and ran his fingers through his hair worriedly.

I walked back in and started to ask me about Niall's recent activity. I told him that Niall had been acting like normally for his headspace age and that he had been fine. He had gotten his shots a couple days ago. With the mention of shots the doctor ran to the back.

He looked so worried. I wanted to know what the fuck was going on. And why Niall had suddenly fallen into this weird coma like state.

It's short for a reason people. !!! Until Next Time Byeeeeee

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