Brother Issues

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Liam POV

I just put Niall down for a nap, Harry and Louis were jumping everywhere on a sugar rush. Harry was bouncing in the sofa with a sippy cup in his hand and Louis was crawling on the floor in circles.

I decided to lay In on the floor so that I could keep an eye on him and his brothers while I went do a bit of laundry.
Zayn is at work modeling now. He was in a famous band but, decided to take an extended break for awhile since he wanted to wait before we started to travel with the kids.

Anyways I made sure the boys were good before walking down the hallway and starting to fold clothes.

Not even fifteen minutes later I hear Niall crying, a thud then I hear Lou's cries as well as Hazza's and then a smack, followed by a louder cry from Ni.

I ran to the living room to see all the boys on the floor crying. I picked up Ni first since he started to hyperventilate.

I calmed him down with his 'didi' and then sat down on the floor with Ni on my lap.

"Okay Ni tell mummy what happened."

Niall: Was sweeping until Wouis sat on me and pulled my hawr. Den I I wolled over so he fell and started to cwy. Hazza got 'set dat Lou cwyed so he hit in face.

I turned Ni so that I could look at his cheek and there was a small red handprint caused by harry.

I grabbed Harry and stood him up in front of Niall.

"Harry apologize to Ni right now"

Harry:Sowy NiNi.

He kiss Ni's slightly tinted cheek and then grabbed Ni's dummy and placed it in his own mouth before he plopped to the ground quickly crawling off.

And if Niall wasn't that upset before he was now. I quickly made Louis apologize before I stood up with Ni and went get him another dummy.

He calmed down and laid his head on my shoulder. I walked to the kitchen with the small boy in my arms and grabbed a bottle out of the fridge.

Once it was warm I placed the nipple on his mouth and went lay him down in one of the twins swings.

He held the bottle with one hand and I put his blanket over him turning on the swing. Soon he was back to sleep.

I grabbed Harry and Louis and took them to change their nappies. once they were changed Harry started to pull at my shirt and Louis was starting to rub his eyes indicating that he was sleepy.

I walked to the living room and sat on the sofa. I took my shirt off and Harry immediately latched on to a nipple as he relaxed in my arms.

I helped Louis latch on and soon he was suckling too. When Zayn got home Haz was still latched on but was sleeping. Lou had stole the dummy Harry stole from Ni and placed it in his mouth.

I laid Lou down carefully with the arm he was in and then I tried to lift Harry off but he would whine so I left him.

Zayn gave me a kiss and kissed hazza's forehead before picking up Louis and laying him in the other swing.

Zayn: How was your day babe?

"A day filled with chaos."

Zayn: Same here babe, same here.

Zayn cuddled Haz and I after he changed out of his work clothes. No later than five minutes everyone in the house was asleep.

Boom chapter wassup with it. I want y'all to go read LittleThings by my best friend 1D_J2M_0505. Its amazayn so far so go check it out.
Until Next Time Byeeeeeee

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