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Liam POV

I decided we should take the boys out because they have been cooped up inside due to them being sick.

They needed air and we had to pick up Ni so some fresh air would be nice. When I got out of the bed I looked at Louis and he was up kicking his legs and sucking on his dummy while his finger was in the middle of it.

"Hi my baby, did you sleep well." I gave his an Eskimo kiss as he just looked at me and went to grab my lips.

I picked him up resting him on m shoulder and walked to the nursery laying him on the changing table.

I rid him of his dirty nappy and sat him up in my arms I walked to his closet and looked througkl:h his grows since he was still kinda warm.

I looked through his closet and found a cute blue camouflage grow with a bib and hat to match.

I looked through his closet and found a cute blue camouflage grow with a bib and hat to match

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I laid Lou back on the changing table and changed him. He started to fussy due to him being hungry.

"I know my Loubear, my little man is hungry. Just let mummy finish."

After his bib was on I lifted him to my naked chest and he latched on. I comb and brushed his hair while he suckled and placed the beanie on his head.

When he finished I burped him and laid him down in the swing in the front of his bed. I pushed blue socks on and started the swing.

I walked to the living room and I grabbed Hazza off of Zayn's chest. He whined as I moved him but settled back down.

I laid a blanket down on the changing table and laid him on it changing his nappy. Went to the closet with him and decided on a blue ombre onesie with white arrows on it.

 Went to the closet with him and decided on a blue ombre onesie with white arrows on it

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I put white socks along with a white beanie on him and woke him up for a feeding.

I made sure that Lou was okay in the swing and walked downstairs to wake Zayn.

But to my surprise he was sitting at the table in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal.

"Zaynie, you have to get dress and I decided we should go to the park today and let the twins get some air."

Zayn: Yeah babe that's fine I'm coming. Where is Lou.

"Fell back to sleep in his swing."

He nodded and kissed my lips going up the stairs and changing. Once Harry was done I burped him and and walked upstairs to lay him in his swing and quickly go get changed.

I put on some black jeans, with some adidas, and a Rolling Stones tee.

Zayn had his usual skinnies on with a black shirt and his combat boots. He lifted Louis up while I got Harry and we buckled them into there carriers.

I grabbed the packed nappybag and picked up Harry's carrier. Zayn got Lou and we go in the car on our way to pick Ni up.

I love you guys and I'm sorry it's been so long. I have been studying for EOC and final exam. Until Next Time Byeeee

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