Picnic pt.2

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Liam POV

When we got to Trisha's house I got out and ran to get Ni. As soon as I opened the house door he tackled me in a hug jumping up and wrapping his legs around me.

Niall: Mummy I missed you.

"I missed you too baby. Go tell Nahni(nah-ne aka grandma) bye we are going to have a picnic."

He ran to Trish as soon as I set him down. I grabbed his bag and his hand as soon as he said bye. I told Trisha bye and went out Ni in his carseat in the middle of Harry and Louis.

Niall: Hi bwos. NiNi missed wou. Nahni did tu and Poppy. Awe I missed my bubbies.

He leaned over and kissed both of the twins head.

Zayn: Awe that's sweet baby but daddy missed you you gave me kissies.

No stood up and pecked Zayn's lips before sitting back down. I buckled him into the seat with a peck to his lips. I clipped his dummy to his pikachu tee-shirt and handed him a sippy cup.

I got in and Zayn started to drive to the park. When we got there the babies were up and Ni was making them giggle with funny faces.

Zayn grabbed Harry's carrier and I grabbed Louis'. I got Niall put and set him on his feet holding his hand with a nappy bag on my shoulder.  Zayn grabbed the picnic basket.

We walked to the picnic area and went to the table closest to the huge playset.

"Ni do you want to eat first or do you want to play."

Niall: I wan ta pway mummy. Swides fiwst den we swing beck and fowth.

"Okay baby let's go."

I sat Louis' carrier on the top of the picnic table and pulled him out to rest on my shoulder. I walked with Ni to the slide and stood in front of it while Ni climbed the steps getting g to the top of the slide.

"Alright baby slide down."

I was recording him on my phone . When he slid down he had the biggest smile on his face with his hands in the air.

Zayn: how was it baby .

Niall: fast daddy, fast. Go gain come wif Ni daddy.

Zayn: okay baby.

Zayn lifted Harry out of his own carrier and cradled him again his body as he climbed the steps. He sat behind Ni and made she Harry's body parts would be fine before they both slid down.

Zayn: yayy we did it.

Ni was clapping and giggling then kissed Harry's forehead.

Niall: Wou did dit Hazzy. Wou big boy like me.

"Alright baby let's go ride the swings."

Zayn took Ni to the swings and we traded babies since Harry was getting hungry and fussy.

I watched from the distance as I nursed Harry and ate some of the fruit we bought.

Niall was pretty much done after the swings. He was exhausted and was pretty much sleeping in Zayn's arms.

Harry was asleep in his carrier now and Louis was getting his milk time in now.

"Did you have funny baby?"

Niall: Wes, I wove my bwothers we pway vewy nice and had gweat day.

He talked behind his dummy

Zayn: That's lovely to hear baby.

Zayn was waiting for a response but Niall was passed out snoring lightly.

I burped Louis and laid him in his carrier, buckling him up on for him to start whining.

I rocked the carrier until he was sleeping again. Zayn lifted Lou's carrier as he fixed Niall on his hip. I carried the diaper bag and the picnic basket.

When everything was situated in the car we made our way back home so the kids could continue their nap peacefully.

New Chapter. Did you guys see SNL last night? I freaking cried. His Mick Jagger act was hilarious. This chapter was fluffy. Until Next Time Byeeeeeeee.

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