Knee Injury

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Zayn POV

When we got to the field I turned the car of and got Niall out. He immediately took of for Luke being that we and Calum came first so the boys could goof off with the ball for a bit.

Once Ni was out I grabbed the two prams from the trunk and grabbed Harry while Liam grabbed Louis.

Liam set Lou down in his stroller and covered him with a blanket. Harry on the other hand didn't want to go in.

He started to cry and flail his arms around. I laid his blanket down in his pram and laid him down on top of it.

Liam started to head towards the field while I handled Haz. I swaddled Harry tightly and stuck a dummy in his mouth.

He calmed down and I pushed the pram back and forth with my hand as I reached back in the car to get the nappybag.

Once the bag was situated on my shoulder I pulled the prams visor down, closed the car door and walked to the field.

Harry was now completely calm and was dosing off. Liam was sitting besides Calum with Louis kicking in his pram half asleep.

Liam brought bottles since he didn't want to have the boys fussy once he unlatched them after a feeding.

I pulled Louis towards me and lowered he and Harry's prams so that I could see them while they were drinking their bottles.

I set the warm bottles up on pillows so I didn't have to hold both of them Harry is a very slow drinker as well so that would help with giving me time to burp them.

An hour into the practice both boys are now asleep and Niall just shreaked.

Harry woke up crying so I pulled him out of the pram covering his ears with plugs that we bought for him

Liam was at the middle of the field where Niall was hold his knee crying. I laid Harry back down and ran to Niall.

His knee was swollen and red. Calum gave me an ice pack and laid it his knee.

Liam: It's okay Ni you're good.

Ni fell knocking his knee very hard. I pulled him on my lap and Liam kissed his knee making him giggle.

Niall: All better Mummy?

Liam: Yep baby its all better, I just need to keep it iced and wrapped for a while.

Niall made grabby hands towards them and I walked back to the twins who were peacefully sleeping.

Liam told Cal we were leaving early so I pushed the twins to the car buckling them in.

Liam place Ni in his booster seat and got in the car. I quickly made it home so that I could lay the twin in their beds and nurse Ni's knee a good bit.

New chapter ...hell yeah... Until Next Time Byeeeee

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