Tears of the Day.

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Liam POV

Louis had been crying so much that his temperature had shot up and he was still crying. He missed his nap and was cranky.

Zayn decided to take Lou to the emergency room, but I didn't want to take Harry and Niall up there. Too many sick people were there.

Zayn came downstairs with Louis half awake in his carrier dressed in a long sleeved grow with pants and a little beanie

Zayn came downstairs with Louis half awake in his carrier dressed in a long sleeved grow with pants and a little beanie

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His dummy was in his mouth and he suckled closing his eyes as Zayn rocked the carrier back and forth in his hands.

Zayn:Babe is Harry sleeping?

"Yeah he is out, now go before he wakes up." I said kissing his lips and then Louis'.

He grabbed the nappybag and then left the house in his Bentley.

Zayn POV

I hooked Louis' carrier in the car and got in. I checked my mirrors and made sure Lou was good before I pulled out the garage.

Once we got to the emergency unit I parked and got out of the car and put the nappybag on my shoulder before I went and grabbed Lou's carrier out of the car walking into the room.

I signed in and sat down rocking the carrier while he slept.

Liam POV

After Zayn left Niall and I decided to cuddle and watch some Batman while the house was quiet. We were laid on the sofa with him on top of me dummy in his mouth.

He had been helping all morning so this was his time to be alone for a bit.

Ni: mummy wan twie feedin wike bubbies again.

I looked at him. This was the first time that he had really commented or talked about it. He had been off since he was in the headspace of one. He started on bottles.

"Are you sure Ni, you have been off mummy's breast for a long time."

He nodded.

Ni: I knows, jus miss it.
He mumbled sucking on his bottom lip.

"Okay babes, mummy will let you."
My nipples were sore but anything to make my Nibear happy.

I lifted my shirt up and took it off. To say that I was not growing huge breast was a lie. They were bigger than a handful and honestly I didn't hate it. My hair was getting longer to. My body was a bit more curvy.

Niall grabbed a boob and latched on still facing the telly. He suckled making my right nipple turn puffy and red.

After half an hour Niall was asleep. I stood up and laid him in the twins play pen and heard Harry crying.

I left Niall and went upstairs picking up Harry.

"Hey my baby. Mummy has you." I said cooing to him trying to settle him.

He realized that Lou was no where near him and bursted out with full on wails. I tried rocking him. Even tried Louis' stuffie.

Yeah that didn't work. Nothing was settling him. I changed his nappy and tried to nurse him but it was not working.

I went downstairs and saw that Ni was sitting up sleepily and made grabby hands. I picked him up and set him on the sofa knowing that he wanted Haz.

I put Harry in Niall's arms, and he tried to rock him. He even tried to sing to Harry. Nothing worked, Niall nap had been cut so he started to cry getting fustrated with Harry's crying.

Great! Now I have a crying toddler and a crying baby. I picked Harry up and called Zayn. Niall was laying on the sofa face down screaming and crying. I sat down on the sofa and rubbed Niall's back.

I was rocking Harry waiting for Zayn to answer.

Zayn: hey babe, who is that crying?

"It's Ni and Harry. Harry cut Ni's nap and Niall tried to soothe him but it didn't work so now he is cranky and fustrated. Please tell me that you are on your way home."

Zayn: yeah baby. I'm putting Louis in the car we just got his medicine.

"Okay I love you bye."

I waited for him to say it back before hanging up. Niall had found his dummyp on the sofa and now had it in his mouth as he started to nod in and out of sleep but he couldn't sleep due to Harry's cries.

I tried the swaddling again rocked Harry gently. Zayn made it home in no time and took Louis out of his carrier laying his sleeping body down in the swing. I unswaddled Harry and laid him next to Louis.

He felt Lou and wrapped him in his arms basically laying on top of the other baby.

Niall was in Zayn's arms. Zayn was singing to him and rocking him softly. Niall had calmed down enough to go back to sleep. Harry even slept.

Zayn kissed Niall's head sitting down with him and rocking gently as Niall straddled his lap and had his face in the crook of his daddy's neck.

I sighed and sat down on the sofa and laid my head next time Niall's and kissed his cheek. He sucked on his dummy and turned the other way

The last thing I remember before I slept was giggling at Niall.

Wattpad was being an asshole and didn't let me update for two days. But I got it to work so here ya go. Until Next Time Byyyyyeeeeeee!!

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