Waking Up

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He started to scream so I started to call his name to wake him up. He didn't wake up until I screamed his name for the seventh and scared Lou in the process. He looked at me shocked.

Zayn POV

I looked back at him and he immediately stood up wrapping his arms around me tightly kissing my face.

Liam: oh god I thought I lost you forever.

I looked at him baffled.

"Li babe what did you dream about."

Liam: It was no dream that was a nightmare. We got into a car accident. I was able to save the kids but i couldn't save you and you died in my arms.

He said not really afraid but not crying because he knew it wasn't real.

"Aww babe we are both fine." I smiled and kissed his lips. He took Louis from my arms and kissed his face.

Liam: Why was my baby crying?

"I had to scream your name to wake you up and he got scared. Also he didn't finish his bottle so he might be hungry still."

Liam nodded and walked out the room. I decided that it was time to wake Harry so I walked into the nursery and lifted him from his swing.

"Baby haz it's time to wake up." I cooed swaying him a little." A pout formed on his face immediately when he heard the words wake up.

I kissed his pouty lips and smile. "Time to wake up my little one. Let's go get you your milk." I stood up and left the room.

He went to close his eyes so I bounced him a little bit to keep him awake. I spotted Liam at the table near Niall nursing Lou so I decided to give Harry a bottle so Liam didnt have so much thrown on him at once.

Niall was watching Batman on his tablet when he accidentally knocked his sippy cup to the floor.

Niall: oh shit.

Liam and I gasped and looked at him

Liam: Niall James what did you just say?

Niall: Oh shit.
He said casually.

"Niall we don't say words like that."

Niall: Mummy say it all time.

Liam blushed immediately knew what he was talking about.

"Babes we still don't say those words. First warning."

Niall: otay daddy.

Through out the day Niall had managed to curse two more time so Liam had sat him in the time out corner.

Liam: we told you to stop it three times already. You are going to sit here and say things that don't include those words.

Liam left and started to tend to the room making our bed while I laid the twins down on the floor.

I waited five minutes then pulled Niall out of the corner. 

"Do you know not to use those words anymore?"

Niall: yes daddy.

"Okay lets go apologize to mummy."

Niall: No.


Niall: no tupid.

I squatted down to eye level. " i dont know what your issue young man but you better fix it right now. Upstairs now."

Niall: Nooooo!
He screamed and slapped my arm running away to the closet under our stairs.

I deep sighed and went to get him. I sat down next to the door.

"Niall come out and talk to daddy."

Niall: No.

"Please baby boy daddy needs to talk to you."

He opened the door and came out sitting on my lap.

"What has you upset. You have been cursing this morning, and now you are having a temper tantrum."

Niall: tums huwties, an heads huwts too.

"Oh babe you should have told us. I'm sorry but you have earned yourself a bit of spanks. You screamed and hit daddy."

Niall: no daddy pease.

"Babe  it's only ten."

He nodded and I laid him on my lap and quickly landed ten sharp smack to his behind making him start his cries.

I picked him up and put his dummy in shushing and kissing his face. "Its okay bubba now lets go apologize to mummy."

I brought him upstairs. Liam was laying down on his phone.

"Li someone has something to say to you."

He looked and sat up. I set Niall down and he ran to the bed making grabby hands. Liam picked him up and held his head to his shoulder.

Niall: sowwy mu-mum-mummy.

"It's okay baby.  Take a nap. Mummy loves you. "

Niall: wove ou too.

He put his dummy back in and put his face in Liam's neck closing his eyes.

Until next time you guys. This story prompt was recommended by TypicalTT

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