Telling Ni

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Zayn POV

We haven't told Niall about his brothers symptoms yet. I don't think we really want to tell him because he won't fully understand.

Harry is laying down on me, Lou is on  Liam and Ni is in between us. Ariel decided it would be better to do skin to skin contact with the twins.

She said it had something to do with bonding and knowing that they could trust us.. I don't know.

Lou is currently using Liam's nipple as a dummy as he lays there content, Harry has a dummy and is kicking his legs around, Niall is watching Dora with a bottle in his mouth.

Liam is watching Dora as well. And I am observing my lovely family. After fifty minutes of just relaxing Ni got bored.

Niall: Daddy I wan go ou'side an pway!
He screamed and jumped on the bed scaring the hell out of Harry.

Harry started to cry causing Lou to cry alongside him. I honestly did forget Ni is the rather rowdy one in the house.

I quickly covered Harry's ears and put his pacifier in his mouth rocking my legs from side to side.

Liam calmed Louis with a dummy and stood up bouncing the child soothingly.

Made we do have to tell Ni.

Liam POV

After the twins were calmed I grabbed Ni's bouncing and chanting figure.

"Ni you have to be very quiet around the twins now sweetheart."

Niall: Why?

Zayn: Because they have permanent ickies that scare them.

Niall: Whyy?

"Because they grew up in a home that didn't love them."

Niall: Whyyy?

"Baby we don't know why maybe its because their parents were meanies."

Niall: Whyyyy?

Zayn: Okay enough of the why game my little prince just know that you can't be loud around them babes."

Niall mumbled a why under his breathe and I laughed handing him his 'didi'

I laid Louis down on his swing in the room and picked up Niall.

"Okay prince Ni it's time to get dressed so we can go to the park with Uncle Calum and Luke.

Luckly we were not in the room when Niall let out his streams of yayys. I chuckled at my silly boy and say his in his crib with a stuffy while I picked out his outfit.

Since Ni and Luke would be going to the footie field I decided to put him in his 'Legend On The Field' outfit on him.

Since Ni and Luke would be going to the footie field I decided to put him in his 'Legend On The Field' outfit on him

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After he was dressed I combed and detangled his hair making sure his quiff was to his likings.

After he was dressed I combed and detangled his hair making sure his quiff was to his likings

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After Ni was finished I brought him to Zayn to get fed. I grabbed the twins and laid both of their sleeping body's on Zayn and I's huge mattress.

I changed both of them and quickly ran across the hall to their room yo get grows. One said 'Legen-wait for it' the other said 'wait for it Dary'.

 One said 'Legen-wait for it' the other said 'wait for it Dary'

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After I dressed the twin I combed through their hair. I left Harry's down and I let Louis' stay in a messy fringe above his eyebrows.

I woke them up so they could nurse and then the were buckled into their carriers. I packed the nappy bag and Zayn put the stroller in the car.

I sat Ni is his car seat with a kiss to the cheek and then got in. Zayn got in the drivers seat and then we were off.

I'm sorry. Its late. No excuse. Until Next Time Byeeeeee.

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