My Little Babies

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Liam POV

Once we got to the hospital Zayn grabbed the boys carriers and I got a sleeping Niall out.

I made sure Ni had his dummy, and blanket before closing the car and catching up with Zayn.

Zayn checked the boys in and we waited for ten minutes before we were called to the back.

The boys doctor Ariel also the best friend of Zayn and Liam immediately ushered them to the most private room in the hospital and grabbed Louis who was starting to wake up fussing.

Ariel:What is wrong, Liam why were you crying, and why do you look so worried.

Zayn: The boys woke up frazzeled again. Much like the first time only they didn't return to their normal happy selves. Exhibit A Both boys are babies now.

"I think that something is wrong with them. Louis has been having nightmares and he mubbled apologies with a broken voice. Harry on the other hand flinches at everything and he is hella fussy."

Ariel: I think Louis has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. PTSD for short. I am going to examine him and check my theory. If he does I'll have you guys do some things with him. As for Harry I'm not sure with him I will have to do a scan on him and a draw a bit of blood. And it is most definite that they have regressed to babies.

"What the hell Ariel what am I gonna do with twins that need special attention plus a toddler."

I was a mess. It didn't take long for me to pass out.

Zayn POV

I caught Liam before he could hit the floor. But Ni did. Thankfully he didn't slam down face first. He hit his side causing him to wake up with a painful whine.

Ariel lifted him to her arms and made sure he wasn't going to bruise. After Ni's quick little check over he looked at her.

Niall: Auwnt Awiel why 'ere?

Ariel: Because you brothers need special checkups.

Niall: Aw dey icky.

Ariel: You could say that we just need to see how icky they are.

Niall nodded and squirmed to be put down. I was sitting down with Liam's body on mine but he wasnt waking up yet.

Ariel called upfront so that they go get a room for Liam and then started to examine and pester around Louis.

Lou was up and he didn't like her fidgeting with him-especially since she was doing a scan-so he started to cry and fuss. In the process he woke Harry up.

Harry screamed and started to pull at his curly brown locks that would never stay in his bun.

I grabbed the mittens that Liam packed and put them on Harry as well as putting a pacifier in his mouth and covering his ears with my large hands.

I quickly passed Ariel Louis's dummy and she placed it in his mouth calming the red faced child.

After Louis Examination it was confirmed that he did in fact have PTSD but it was stage two. We could easily over come that. Right?

Ariel had to run five test on Harry and it came to be that Harry had autism. Loud noise and swift movement scared the absolute shit out of him.

And Liam woke up to the news. He cried but with a bit of loving and reassurance he dried up his tears and held his babies close kissing their foreheads.

Niall joined the cuddled along with Ariel's cheeky self. After the cuddled Harry and Louis started crying due to them sleeping past their feeding and Liam was passed out.

I grabbed the feeding pillow out of the diaperbag and set it on Liam's thighs since he was still sitting on the bed.

I grabbed the twins so he could take his shirt off and set up the pillow. Once Liam was ready I gave him a twin one at a time so that he could latch them on one at a time.

After the twins were feeding. I gave Ni a bottle and Laid him down between Liam and the bed railings.

Ni finished his bottle and was down for his second nap so we deemed it time to go. I placed the twins back in their carriers and put one in each hand. Liam carried Ni and we all got in the car going home.

It was time for everyone to go down for a nap.

New chapter and a new character. My Babies though...Until Next Time Byeeeeeeeeee

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