Let Me Help You

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I woke up to a cold bed. Zayn and Louis voice were whispers cascaded threw the hallway, making their way to my ears. I could tell that Louis was out of headspace. His voice was trembling and he sounded scared, as if someone had hurt him. Out of curiosity I quietly climbed out of bed and put on my robe.

I walked silently to the nursery. It was the only room that had light leaving it. Once I could hear perfectly my back touched the wall and I sat against it. Louis was talking about  a dream. It was evident that he was crying.

Lou: his name was Troy. I don't  wememba who he is to me, but he hurt me bad. He use to tie Louis tight and touch him wong. Even beat Louis a few times for pwotecting Hawwy.

Tears left my eyes as I listened to what Louis was saying. He never  gave a name and we always asked him to. It was like he covered for the man because he was too afraid to risk everlasting safety for himself and Harry.  As he and Zayn continued  to talk my tears fell rapidly. I could finally understand why Louis kept all of these things to himself.

Troy was their father. The man had been their since they were born. Louis thought that the way Troy touched him was his way of showing him love. But the more Louis became uncomfortable with it, the more Troy forced and beat him. But the number one rule stood, If Louis told, Harry would be killed in front of him and he would have to live with that.


I heard erratic breathing from the hallway and looked towards the door opening.

"Louis can you wait for me right here while i go check something?"

He was quick to go into panic mode and say no.

"Im not going far. I just want to look in in the hallway. I hear something."

After a few more words of comfort I slowly moved to the hallway and peaked out the door to see Liam against the wall crying.

I swatted down and touched his hair causing him to jump. His face was red and blotchy. He had been listening to  what Louis was saying.

"Babe, what are you doing?"

Liam: I was c-cold, and you weren't  in bed. I heard your voice and Lou's so I came to see what you were talking about. I didn't mean to cry so loud.

I kissed his head and helped him up. Once Liam was off the ground I wiped  his face and hugged him close.

"Its okay baby, he finally gave us a name. The only person they were around was their father and Louis finally gave us his name."
I said wiping my own tears.

Liam nodded and sniffled. I walked back i to the room with Liam and looked at Louis. He was staring at Harry with watery eyes. Liam knew just as well as I did that we were about to have a hard time. Louis tended to become more focused on Harry instead of everyone around him when he has an attack. He even blocks himself out so now, we have a new thing to worry about.

"Louis, I know that you are scared,  but would it be okay if you and Harry came sleep with us for tonight?"

He looked up at me through his eyes and nodded his head slowly and held Harry's hand. Liam walked over and picked both of them up. We went to our room and laid them in the middle of our bed. Liam took the left of them and I laid on the right. 

I brought the blankets to our necks and made sure they were close. Louis wrapped his arms around Harry and kissed his forehead. I didn't go back to sleep til everyone was sleeping. Louis, Harry, and Niall were my our priorities. Speaking of Niall, I quietly  went get him and laid him in our bed and closed our bedroom door locking it. 

With everyone a sleep it gave me a chance to think about how we would  move forward with this new information and it wasn't like Louis was lying. He had the scars embedded in his skin as proof.

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