Making Friends

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I could feel heavy sneezes coming on so I quickly excused myself and got out. Breathing heavily, I stepped into the hallway. I started running for no reason and the next moment, I was on the floor groaning. I saw another girl squirming on the floor and realized I'd bumped into her.

Holy Shit!  

"Are you okay?" I got up and crawled to her, ignoring my own pain.

"I was better," she grimaced.

The girl had long curly red hair and warm gray eyes. I helped her up to a sitting position and she stood up.

"I'm so sorry," I apologized.

"Never mind as long as my bones aren't broken," she grinned. I grinned back at her. She seemed nice.

"I'm Alice Meyer," I said. "But you can call me Liz."

"Lena Gray," she said. "Where are you from?"

"Berlin," I answered.

"Whoa, me too," she said, her face lighting up at once. "This is great. We could hang around sometimes. Hey, you got your room?"

"Yeah," I replied. "Its down the hall."

I pointed behind me.

"Oh mine is right here," she pointed to the door behind her. "Come on, let's go check it out."

Lena literally dragged me to her room. The room was already well furnished. There was another girl with a blonde French cut reading on a bed. She threw her book aside and smiled at us as we entered.

"This is Jennifer Sykes," Lena introduced her roommate. "All the way from England." Then she turned to Jennifer, "This is Liz, the girl who tried to break my bones."

I flushed. Lena grinned while Jennifer chuckled.

"Nice to meet you Liz," Jennifer said. "You can call me Jenny."

"Anyone wants tea?" Lena called, already pouring water into an electric boiler.

No one answered. So I spoke up, "sure, why not?"

"I love your hair," Jenny said, examining them. "It's so soft. I'd kill to have fine brown hair like yours."

I gave an uneasy chuckle and mumbled a thanks.

Jenny was very beautiful. I wondered why the hell she should envy anyone when she had looks and a body to die for.

"Got a roommate?" Lena asked.

"Well, yeah," I replied.

"What sort?" Jenny asked, suddenly excited.

"The good sort?" I half questioned.

"Well then, why did you leave her all by herself?" Jenny gave me a sly look.

I couldn't spill everything to them about the tomboy, the cat or the allergy yet. I only just met them. And they'd think I'm quite petty.

"Just came out to look around," I lied. "You know, meet new people."

"I hope you'll introduce us to her soon, won't you?" Jenny asked.

Why was she so eager? But I guessed that was just the way she was.

"Sure," I replied, secretly wishing they'd never meet her.

"Maybe after Lena's special tea?" Jenny pushed.

"Hey," Lena protested. "Its not my fault the milk was stale."

That made both Jenny and me chuckle. They seemed so comfortable with each other. I wished I could feel the same with Ella but she was different. Or was I just being critical?

The three of us chatted away over Lena's special tea. I felt good being with them. Both if them were really great people and I felt my world brightening up again after the brief complication with Ella. Lena was a riot. You can't be serious when she's around. She is the funny one and she is always kidding around. She isn't exactly plain or ugly but she was nowhere near Jenny's beauty. However, she's the kinda girl whom everyone likes.

Jenny was quite different in character with Lena. She is more sophisticated and pretty. And she is talkative. And when i say talkative, i mean talkative. And she seemed friendly to me, extra friendly. And more than once, I caught her staring at me and looking away when she saw me look at her. It was kinda unnerving. But all the whole, she was nice.

"Alright," Lena said, glancing at her watch. "Fifteen minutes to dinner time. We better go visit your girl if at all we are gonna see her."

For some reason, I felt awkward when Lena said my girl. Of course she didn't mean anything but still, I felt weird.

Jenny practically jumped down from the bed and ushered us out.

"Hey slow down, Jenny," Lena scolded as she was pushed out by Jenny. "It isn't a marathon."

Jenny ignored Lena and grabbed my arm and frisked.

"Where is your room?" She demanded hastily. "I so love meeting new people, don't you?"

"Uh..yeah," I said uncertainly, thinking about Ella. "I guess."

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