Happy Birthday

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Ella's birthday came around the corner. I intended to make it a blast cause she's my friend and my roommate. Also cause I had a plan up my sleeves.

Ella's workload became increasingly heavier which is making her stay away more than usual, which was perfect to me cause I couldn't do anything when she's around. Courtney, Lena, me and even Jenny together made plans and preparations for Ella's upcoming birthday. Jenny was acting a little more matured now but I always notice the hint of sadness and regret behind her smiles when she sees Ella.

Since Courtney holds a single room, we decided to hold the party there. Most of the time, I would be gone and by the time I came back, Ella would be sleeping, tired out. It came to the point where I see Ella only briefly in the morning when we get ready.

"Liz," Ella called one morning.


"Is something wrong?" She asked me, concerned.

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean, I hardly see you these days," she said. "You don't tell me what's up. It's like you're keeping something from me. I was just wondering if there is anything wrong between us."

You're right! I'm keeping a secret from you.

I really wanted to say that out loud but I stopped myself. Instead I told her not to worry about anything and that everything is just fine. I even gave her a hug and that seemed to convince and cheer her up.

Her big day came after much waiting. It was two minutes to her birthday. I was on my bed and she was sitting at her table reading some complicated notes. I couldn't wait to see the shock on her face when her alarm goes off. I placed it very close to her with special care. At exactly 12:00 AM, the alarm will set off with a smashing birthday song. 59 seconds. I couldn't wait. I couldn't believe my heart was actually racing. 15 seconds. I leaned in closer. She was squinting with concentration on her notes. I wanted to laugh but stopped myself from spoiling the fun.
3,2,1... Trrrriiiiiiinnnnnggg!!!! Happy birthday to you....

Ella jumped from her skin, standing straight up and toppling her chair backwards. Before she realized what was happening, the door burst open with a loud bang, making her fall over to her bed. Courtney, Lena and Jenny stood there on the doorway, singing her a birthday song while I couldn't stop laughing.

Ella looked uncertainly at all of us, still in shock. Then she let out a nervous laughter.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack," she admitted, pressing her left chest.

"Sorry about that," I said cheerfully. "Now close your eyes."

"What?" Ella squinted at me.

"Close them," I repeated, closing my eyes and showing her.

Ella smiled and shrugged, closing her eyes. Then I took a scarf and blindfolded her. And then we all led her to Courtney's room.

"Are you leading me to the rooftop so I can fall over and break my neck?" Ella joked, her arms spread out in front.

"Maybe," Lena laughed.

Finally we reached the room. We made her stand in the middle and took off her blindfold. She gasped and exclaimed surprises as she saw the finely decorated room, the big cake, cookies and dishes.

"You did this? For me?" She asked, in disbelief.

"Of course," Courtney replied. "Anything for a friend."

"When did you even do all these?" Ella asked turning to me.

"The times when I wasn't there enough for you," I teased and elbowed her. "The times you feel alone in the room surrounded by your books."

Somehow, my words triggered a spark in Jenny. Lena saw it too and diverted immediately.

"Okay, birthday boy," Lena announced. "Time to cut the cake."

We partied till 4 in the morning. By the time we were done, we were all wasted. I had no idea how much vodka I'd taken but I felt quite drunk when I was going back to the room. If the staff learn of this, it would be a sorry matter for us.

I don't even remember what happened in the last minutes of the party. I can't remember who was there and who was not. I only remembered Ella helping me back to the room.

"Wow," she said, amused. "You did drink to the fullest, didn't you?"

"Stuff like this don't happen everyday," I answered dreamily.

I heard her chuckling.

"I hope you don't get a hangover later cause I also have a plan up my own sleeves."

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