Do You Like Her?

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Classes went off swiftly. During the break, I walked out with Courtney to head to the main cafeteria. Jenny trailed behind us, pouting but she cheered up as soon as she saw Ella. She was leaning against the wall with her arms folded, looking bored. She must have been waiting for a while, I thought. For me? I was about to call out to her when Jenny shoved past me and skipped to her. My mood deflated. So she wasn't waiting for me at all. She was waiting for Jenny. It wasn't like I'm jealous or liked Ella or anything, but Jenny's behavior was starting to annoy me. Can't I even talk to Ella without her interrupting?

"Come on, let's go," I said to Courtney and started toward the cafeteria. Then, Ella called me.

"Liz, join us."

I turned around to see Ella giving me a pleading look with her eyes. She looked cute when she pleads. Jenny just stood beside her scowling. I laughed internally. Bad luck, Jenny, looks like you have no choice but share her.

Lena joined us at our table. As usual, Jenny was trying to engage Ella in a conversation so that we couldn't get in. Courtney stared at them and gave me a quizzical look. I shrugged in reply.

When class got over, I looked around for Ella but she was nowhere to be seen, neither was Jenny. Another suffocating date maybe. I trudged back to my room and took a shower. The day was warm and humid. While in the shower, I thought about home. I missed mom so much. I tried not to think about the ones I left behind, but they stuck to your mind when you're feeling alone.

After the shower, I arranged some of my books. Then, I sat on my bed, relaxing. Where was Ella? I was starting to get a little bored. I stared out through the window. The sun was already giving out an orangey glow. My gaze traveled down to the ground. I saw Ella walking briskly into the hostel. Alone. What about Jenny?

Not more than two minutes later, she entered the room.

"Hi," she said.

"Hi," I replied then added in a light tone. "Where have you been?"

"Oh I went to meet someone," she replied, taking off her sweater. "La merde! It's hot!"

"Oh..." I frowned. "Jenny?"

She looked up at me and raised an eyebrow. Then she grinned and shook her head.

"Well how is she?" I pushed.

"Elle est une douleur dans le cul," she replied grinning.

"Huh?" I gaped at her. "Is that French? What did that mean?"

"It means she's beautiful," she said, grinning even wider.

She looked ready to burst out with laughter any moment. Was she kidding with me?

"Why are you asking me about Jennifer anyway?" She asked, turning back to fold her clothes.

I thought you were couples, what with always sticking together like magnets.

"Just asking," I said. "She seems to be inseparable from you."

"That's Jennifer for you," she smirked.

"Obviously she likes you," I continued. "Do you like her?"

Are you gay? Do you keep girlfriends instead of boyfriends? Do you have feelings exclusively for girls?

" Liz, I don't know where you getting at but," she paused and looked at me.

"You need time to decide whether or not you like a person."

I suddenly felt stupid. Why did I ask her in the first place?

"But," she added and gave me a killer smile. "With Jennifer, I didn't need time to decide. She decided it for me herself. No. I don't like her."

I couldn't help but smile a little at her sense of reasoning. Poor poor Jenny. Somebody had gone too close for comfort. I wanted to ask her more but decided against it and settled down with my 'Caveman Story'.

After dinner that night, I took a brief stroll outside to cool myself. Ella told me she would be busy with a project. There was nothing to do so I kept walking around. Some few girls passed me, laughing over a joke. I saw the lights still on at the cafe and debated whether to visit the woman or not. It was funny I didn't even catch her name. I thought about it and decided against it. Maybe tomorrow, but not tonight. I just needed some time alone.

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