Temper Flare

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I woke up to Ella's perfume. It was so enticing. So irresistible. Early morning sunlight filtered in through the window opened by Ella. I could hear birds chirruping outside. I took a deep breath and rolled over to my side comfortably. A perfect day to not go to class. But it was not to be.

"Good morning sleeping beauty," Ella greeted me cheerfully.

I pretended to be asleep. I didn't want to leave the comfort of my bed.

"Don't pretend you're sleeping," she said. "I saw you open your eyes."

I laughed a little but didn't stir. I'm not a morning person. Never was and never will be.

"Come on," she urged. "You don't wanna be late for class. Would you like a cup of tea?"

Ten minutes later, I was fresh on my bed sipping tea. I could get used to it.

Ella left early saying she got some project to discuss with her professor. I took my sweet time and trudged lazily to my class. Things did feel better than the previous day. No confusion, no chaos, no misunderstandings and best of all, no Jenny. I didn't really notice her absence until Courtney asked me about her. I didn't know what kept her back but it felt good not to get your pleasant mood spoilt by someone whom you call a friend.

Courtney came from England. She told me everything about England. Good and bad. Literally everything. She is far more reliable than any books on england will ever tell you about England. I love her accent. I love British accent ever since I was a kid and I asked her to teach me how to talk like she does. She tried to and we laughed so much in secret because I sounded like I have a broken jaw.

I didn't see Ella nor Jenny that day but I wasn't bothered. I promised Courtney I would take her to meet the woman in the cafe. So after class, we went together to the cafe. This time it wasn't empty. Students were crammed and sadly there was no vacancy at the tables.

"I'm sorry Courtney," I mumbled. "Looks like this place is booked."

"It certainly looks so," she agreed.

I looked across the counter. The lady was there smiling at the students she was talking to and the students seem to be having a good time. But of course they would. She is impossible not to like. Disappointed that we couldn't get there, we turned towards the exit.

"Don't look so grim, Liz," Courtney teased. "We'll come visit your wonder woman some other day."

I half smiled.

"There's another cafe over there," she said, pointing at her right. "It's bigger. I've been there just once, but its not bad. Come on, let's go there."

We went to the other cafe. 'Gusto'. That was the sign outside. It was indeed bigger than star cafe but less cozy. Not many students were present. We were looking for a place when I heard my name been called.

I turned around and saw Lena waving at me. I smiled at her. She was sitting with Jenny who was stirring her coffee like it's the only thing she's got to do. Jenny didn't even look up when Courtney and me took our seats.

"Hi Jenny," I said. "Didn't see you in class today. Everything okay?"

"Of course," she answered gloomily. "Why would anything go wrong?"

I glanced at Lena who gave me a "I have no idea what's going on" shrug. Courtney and Lena had a problem warming up to each other because their personalities are extreme opposites. Lena is outspoken, carefree and daring while Courtney is gentle, polite and careful.

"So where's Ella?" Lena asked me.

Jenny looked up from her coffee and looked at me expectantly.

"I don't know," I shrugged. "I haven't seen her all day."

"Don't you even know where your roommate is?" Jenny taunted.

"What do you mean?" I asked, a little mad.

"Shut it Jennifer," Lena warned Jenny but she continued.

"Why are you such an ignoramus?" She said. "You should at least know what your friends are up to."

"Oh yeah?" I said, my temper rising. "For your information Jennifer, I am not a stalker like you and I'm not interested in invading someone else's personal space and affairs if that's what you're implying."

"Are you accusing me of stalking?" Jenny demanded rising on her feet.

"Get a grip, will you?" Lena said, pulling her back to her seat. "What is wrong with you guys?"

"Maybe you should ask her," I said pointing at Jenny who was scowling at me. She looked ugly when she scowls.

I picked up my bag and walked out of the cafe. I heard Courtney catching up with me as I stumbled out into the open.

"What's her problem?" She mumbled.

"I don't know what her problem is," I said angrily. "But she'd do better keep her attitude under control."

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