Cloud Nine Empire

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Thank you all for sticking with Liz and Ella thus far. And a big sorry to everyone for the irregular updates. I promise I'll be more regular.( ˘ ³˘)♥ You're what keeps me going!

Also, check out my other story "Strange Magic". It has some tomboy elements to it. If you're into magic and vampires, I'm pretty sure you'll love her.😉


Courtney fell in a fit of laughter. She clutched her stomach and bent over, gasping between her laughs.

"I should've taken a video," she said, still unable to stop laughing. "You look sick!"

I stared open mouth at her. I didnt find anything that funny to turn purple from laughing.

"Cigarettes?" I asked again in disbelief.

Letting out a gush of breath, she controlled her laughter and pick up one.

"A joint," she said proudly, holding it out in front of her.

"Tell me you're kidding," I said, although I did feel excited and curious.

"As a matter of fact, I'm not," she said. Her speech slurred. "Remember some friends who visited a couple of days back? They brought me this magic antidote."

I picked up the other joint. I couldn't believe Courtney was into these kind of stuff. I've read about weed, heard stories about stoners but I never tried smoking it, mostly because I never really needed it.

"Were you smoking?" I asked and looked at her. I realized her eyes were red and hazy.

"Of course," she said airily. "Its not something to be just kept and left unused. I wanted to show you this because I know youve been having a hard time lately. Its a stress buster you know. So I thought this would help you at least get your mind off of some things. So what do you say, you wanna try it?"

I looked from her to the joint in my hand. I didn't see why I shouldn't try it. I was just gonna mope around in my room anyway.

"Why the hell not?" I grinned.

Courtney grinned back and handed me a lighter. I put the joint in my mouth and lighted it. I could smell dried plants on fire as I inhaled the smoke. One moment I was smoking and the next moment, I was coughing and choking.

Courtney lighted up her joint. She inhaled and exhaled like a boss. "Magic in a paper!"

I smoked again after the coughing fit. Smoke puffed up plenty as I exhaled. I felt my muscles starting to relax. I smoked drag after drag. I was getting used to it. The high began to kick in. Things started looking hazy and time seemed to slow down.

"How do you feel?" Courtney asked.

"I feel like a bad girl," I said, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"We are bad girls," Courtney said laughing along with me.

I looked at Courtney. She looked quite deranged and hilarious in my eyes. I didnt know if it was the high or if she was really looking that way. Everything just felt ten times funnier than it normally used to.

Then everything fell silent. I felt like I'm floating far away, weightless in solitary bliss. I lost conscious of Courtney's presence beside me. I was in my own world. Flying with colors. I watched the smoke rising up filling the room and suddenly a wave of paranoia crept upon me. Shaking myself from the daydream, I glanced at Courtney. She was looking at her phone but her expression was blank.

"Hey, what if the others come to know that we're smoking weed?" I whispered.

"Huh?" Courtney blinked and looked at me wide eyed.

"The smoke," I gestured at the smoke filled room.

"What about it?" Courtney whispered back.

"What if someone smells it?"

When i realized both of us were whispering for some unknown reason, it felt hilarious and I found myself trying to stifle my laughter. Courtney joined in the laughter. We were both laughing so low, almost like we were laughing when we shouldn't be. It felt even more funny and painstaking at the same time. Courtney fell on the bed, shaking with laughter. I begged her to stop. I felt I was gonna die from laughter. I'd never felt so happy.

"So this is the cloud nine zone," I said in between laughter. "I don't wanna come down from this high."

"Who would want to," Courtney replied. "Right now, I'm a scholar in Oxford university!"

That set us in another laughing fit. My face hurt from smiling while my sides ached from stifled laughing. I wanted to stop but I couldn't.

"Have you got something to eat?" I asked, suddenly very hungry. "I havent eaten all day."

"I ate everything this morning," Courtney frowned.

I needed to eat something. I needed something in my mouth. It became a desperate need. I don't even know how the time passed but it was lunch time sooner than I expected.

"Come on, let's go grab something to eat before everything gets over," I suggested.

I don't even remember how we got to our table at lunch. I don't remember seeing anyone nor talking to anyone. Both Courtney and I were shoving food in our mouths like we haven't eaten for days. I ate to the point where I couldn't even move.

"What are you doing?" I asked Courtney when I saw her stacking food in her tray.

"Saving for later," she shrugged. I could see she was still as high as me. Our hunger was insatiable.

"Good idea," I agreed and started stacking the leftovers in my tray too.

With our trays in hand, we were walking out when familiar faces showed up. None other than Jenny, Lena and Ella.

"Hey what's up!" Lena called.

Courtney hurried past pretending she didnt see them. I was trapped. Suddenly anxious.

"Uh..going to my room?" I stammered. I couldn't look at them in the eyes. I glanced nervously downward. I hoped that I was speaking normally.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Of course," I smiled and looked at them for a brief moment. I didn't really look at Lena. My glance was directed at Ella. She was watching me warily but didnt say anything. "Gotta go. See you later."

I didnt go to my room. I headed straight back to Courtney's room. We were talking about some things I know I won't remember later when my phone beeped. I took it out and checked my message. It was a text from Ella.

"Where are you?"

I wondered what to reply. I kept wondering and I guess I got carried away because five minutes later, another message popped up.

"Hello? You there?"

This time I replied with a quick text in case I forgot to send it again.


"Where are you???"


"Can you come to the room?"


I stood up. Courtney looked at me in surprise.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Ella wants to see me," I said truthfully.

"Liz, you're high," she pointed. "Say you're busy or something. You don't have to expose yourself."

"If I don't go now, I might not get another chance later," I simply replied without knowing what I was saying.

I walked clumsily to the door.

"I'll be back later."

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