Goodbye Liz

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This chapter is exclusively based on Ella's POV, and it will remain the only chapter where you can get inside Ella's head.


Someone once told me, 'take your love wherever you go.' How I wish it was that easy! Leaving her behind is the most painful thing I have ever done. Or will ever do. I watched her from the rearview mirror until I couldn't see her no more.

"Goodbye Liz," I whispered.

I didnt want to go. But mom was too excited about my new career offer that she even flew over to get me. Besides, university life was becoming a living hell. In the end, I just had to go.

Oh Liz! She's the sweetest person I've ever met. Although she gets defiant sometimes, trust me. But she has a pure heart. From everything I've observed and went through together with her, I know that she is the kind of girl who suffers on her own trying to lift someone else up. She is selfless. It's a pity that university drama turned everything into utter chaos. I've had my heart broken once before when a certain girl left, but that pain is nothing compared to the pain right now. From someone whom I can't even call mine.

I fished out something from around my neck and stared at the white form of a turtle dove. The one Liz and I got on my birthday when we went to the town square. It was missing its pair. An incomplete jigsaw puzzle. I wondered if the turtle dove I was holding can ever find the way back to its pair. I couldn't get Liz's face out of my head when she ranted about working it out. She looked shattered. Depressed. I wish I could have raised her hopes. But I had to be honest because expectations hurt.

I'd been quite depressed for the last few months of my stay there. From right after my birthday, things were rolling down in a rapid motion. I must have hurt Jennifer too but she couldn't understand when I tell her I can't be with her. How could I love someone else when Liz was stuck on my head. I like to imagine that I'm with Liz when I'm with Jennifer. So long as I don't see her, it worked fine. But in the end, I realized I was only making a fool of myself. And even if I want nothing more than be with Liz, I know how forced love felt like. It feels like you've died while you're still alive. Many nights, I've cried myself to sleep. They could view me as a tomboy but I'm not immune to heart breaks. And since there's no one I can even talk to about it, tears become the only consolation. It killed me to see Liz wasting away, feeling depressed. She is such a sweet girl. I love her more than any other, so much more than anything.

"Ella, Ella."

I opened my eyes against my will. Bright lights flashed everywhere. We were in a city.

I sat straight up on my seat.

"Sky city," I heard mom say from behind.

I glanced around. The sky had darkened bringing out every light in every building making them look like jewels and treasures. It looked beautiful. I wish Liz could see this.

A couple of hours later, we were on the plane to LA. Mom tried to have a conversation with me but I wasn't really up to any kind of Talkings. I am a well behaved child but today, I was in an awful mood. I stared out the window and saw more jewels down below. I thought about Liz again. How I wished we could be amidst the bright lights together. It could have been her and me. Together. Like this. On a vacation or something. A stray tear rolled down. Would I ever see her again?

"You should see the costumes," mom was ranting away as we made way to her penthouse. "Ugh! Some of them are so ugly. Wait till the designer hears from me-"

I scanned the house. Pretty decent and luxurious. But I told myself I would move out as soon as I can fend myself. I want to support myself and not rely on anyone else.

"-Oh you should meet Mr. Rodriguez, ze finest man alive. Have I told you he one day came and-"

Mom continued blabbering about her colleagues and work as she helped me unbox my stuff.

"Mam, its okay," I told her. "I'll unpack them myself later."

"Tell me about your university," she pressed.

"Maman, je suis fatigué," I said. "Can we do it tomorrow?"

"Okay, no problemo," she said. "You sleep sound. Bonne nuit Ella."

"Goodnight, Mam," I wished her back.

I showered and got into bed. The shower made me feel a little better. My bed was positioned next to the window where I can see almost everything down below. What a sight! It was breathtakingly beautiful. But all these felt meaningless. What are riches and luxury when your heart is empty and lonely. My Liz. What are you doing now? I miss you so bad. Do you miss me?

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2019 ⏰

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