Sobbing Jennifer

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"You know, about last night, I'm sorry."

"Huh?" Ella turned to look at me.

It was the next morning. There was no sun in the sky. Heavy clouds covered up the sky and it looked like it would rain any moment.

"About being such a bitch when you needed help," I explained, making my bed.

I didn't hear anything response from Ella. For a moment, I even thought she left the room. I turned around.

She was sitting on her bed, just staring intently at me. I felt a little uncomfortable. Seeing that she wasn't about to talk anytime soon, I added.

"Would you like me to do anything about Jenny?"

"Would you?" She challenged.

I knew I had to stop and think before I said anything because if I give my word, then I'd have to keep it no matter what and I had no idea what I was getting into.

"I mean, this kind of affair is wrong. She should know better," I said and added with an afterthought. "Is it even legal?"

"It's legal in some places," she replied.

"Whatever, it's still wrong. It's no less than a crime."

"You think so?"

"I know so," I answered confidently. "Girls liking girls. How the hell can they even marry or have a family? One should be rational and practical."

Ella didn't reply. She just nodded her head slightly, her lips pursed and eyes down. Then we got ready for our classes. Just as we were about to part ways, Ella grabbed my arm.

"Liz, about before," she said. "You don't have to apologize for anything. It's me who's sorry instead. For giving you unnecessary trouble."

Courtney was already in her seat when I marched in smartly. I wished her and sat down cheerfully. As I turned my head, I saw Jenny bent over her desk, her shoulders shaking.


"Yeah?" She answered without looking up.

"Is that Jenny crying?" I asked.

She looked up for a moment and turned back to her sketching.

"I guess so," she replied uninterested.

I wondered although I was sure it has got something to do with Ella. I felt embarrassed seeing her. Crying for another girl in the class. If it was me, I would have taken the day off. I tried to remain indifferent about it but my eyes keep straying towards her direction. I have a soft corner for people who are hurting. Suddenly I found myself making my way towards her.

"Where you going?" Courtney asked.

"I'll be right back," I said.

Courtney shrugged her shoulders and looked down again.

I made my way cautiously to her desk. She was sobbing frantically as though her heart was breaking to millions of pieces.

"Jen," I called.

I knew she heard me but she didn't look up. Instead she sobbed even harder.

"Hey Jenny," I tried again, placing a hand on her shoulder.

This time she looked up and I gasped. Her eyes were puffy and red. It looked as though she'd been crying all night.

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed. "You look terrible."

She shoved my hand away and started to get under her cover again.

"Wait wait," I said hastily. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to- I was just... I'm sorry okay? Do you wanna talk about it?"

"What would you understand anyway?" She cried.

"What happened?"

"You know what happened," she sobbed. "She must have told you by now. I didn't know it would turn out this way."

"But you shouldn't have done that," I said.

"I told you you wouldn't understand," she snapped. "People like you wouldn't understand. I thought she loved me as much as I loved her. But..."

I stared at her. She was crying her eyes out. People around were starting to stare.

"Maybe you should go back to your dorm and rest," I suggested.

"No," her answer was instantaneous. "No, if I stayed back, I wouldn't see her, would I?"

I was rendered speechless. Its amazing how a person could love somebody with all the broken pieces of the heart. My heart went out to poor Jennifer.

"You really love her, don't you?" I asked in a little voice.

"What did you expect?" She cried. "I love her more than I love myself."

During lunch break, Ella joined Courtney and me. We were happily chatting when I spotted Jenny from across our table. She was still teary with her eyes fixed on Ella. Lena was beside her, shaking her head in dismay. I lost track of the conversation we were having. It was distracting to see the sad face of Jenny every time I turn my head up. I glanced at Ella. She was laughing over something in ignorant bliss about what was happening behind her back. She was really beautiful. She was perfect. No wonder Jenny was madly in love with her. I wondered if she really dislike Jennifer. She'd have been the happiest if she could date Ella. I kept staring at her dreamily till she looked at me. It gave me a shock which made her laugh even more. I could only manage to give a nervous laugh.

I don't see Ella immediately after class because our timings are quite different. So the same evening, I took Courtney to Star Cafe. Just as I expected, Courtney immensely liked the woman who work there. She's a real charmer.

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