Angel or Devil?

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This chapter is a little short, shorter than the rest. Ive got loads of stuff in my plate right now but I'll make it up to you soon.

Alright you may enjoy reading!

I raced to the cafe. Some students were streaming out from it. I literally dashed inside. Some few heads turned at my direction. I went to the counter but there was no one behind it.

"Mrs. Dubois?"

No one turned up. I started feeling hot and itchy.

"Excuse me?" I tried again.

I heard a soft meowing. Oscar? If Oscar was still here, there was a chance that Ella might be staying at her granny's. A frown crept to my face when I saw the cat. It wasn't a black cat. It wasn't Oscar. It looked every bit like Oscar but it was white. Snow white. Dejected, I stepped outside.

I didnt get to meet Monica. So I was left to where I'd been before. Clueless. I strolled around the compound aimlessly, trying to cool my head off. I wondered whether Courtney had more weed with her. I could really do with a drag right then. Time passed as I wandered tunelessly. The sun was setting fast. Some students came outside. I scanned at them hoping to see Ella among them but it wasn't a fairytale and of course I didnt see her. Wait. Did I actually just see her? I turned again. Sure enough it was her. If it was some other time, I would have ran across and given her the biggest and the tightest hug she'll ever get in her lifetime, but not today. She wasn't alone. She was with another girl. I kept myself in the shadows and inched closer to get a better look. The girl she was with was flawless. Perfectly toned skin on perfectly shaped face and body. She had lustrous wavy black locks that fell to her back. She was clad in an elegant white skin fitting dress that flattered her to die for figure. I burned with jealousy. She seemed to look a little older than Ella but she looked like the kinda woman everybody likes. Even though I hated to admit it to myself, she intrigued me too. Even as I watched, the girls slender white arm came to wrap itself around Ella's shoulder. They were both laughing and talking about something. Ella looked happy. I couldn't look anymore. Suddenly a sense of hopelessness gripped me again. I shot her one last glance as they disappeared inside the star cafe.

"Come on Liz," I heard Courtney say. "Don't look so glum."

I had been sitting in her bed, staring outside the window for about an hour. I just felt drained. I wished I could sleep but everytime I close my eyes, I see Ella in the arm of someone else. Even though I know I'm the one that messed things up, deep down I thought Ella would still care. But I was wrong.

"Courtney, I need-

"I know what you need" Courtney cut me off, rolling her eyes. "But I'm afraid they aren't ready."

"What do you mean?"

She took out something from her drawer. Wrapped in a plastic bag.

"They aren't dried enough," she said, taking a bit out and crushing them with her fingers.

I snatched the packet.


"I don't care if they're wet or dry," I said, hungrily unpacking it. "I'll take it."

"Hey!" Courtney protested but she didn't attempt to get it back. "Thats mine."

Twenty minutes later, I was smiling and staring dreamily at Courtney. Courtney was telling a joke. It felt so funny even though I didnt hear a word she said.

"Hello!" Courtney waved in my face. "Welcome back!"


I blinked myself back to reality. Just a second ago, I was far away, chasing colorful butterflies in a colorful meadow.

"You high ohwah?" She teased.

"Nah," I lied. I was high as fuck. "I'm good."

"Okay then bye," she retorted sarcastically.

I was suddenly seized by a fit of giggles. I laughed alone till my tummy hurt. I must have looked like a retard maniacally laughing. But I didn't care. Back to blissful ignorance again.

"You're really in love with Maryjane, aren't you?" Courtney teased. "It really makes you laugh."

"This is not just Maryjane," I said holding out the weed packet. "This is my Merryjane. Merry me. Keeps me merry. Merry is happy. Merry go round and round and round....

I trailed. My arm making a rounding action. I felt like I was in a night carnival. Bright neon lights everywhere. And I was being merry in the merry go round while 'God rest ye merry gentlemen' played in my head.

"Wake up girl."

I blinked again. The merry go round vanished in thin air.

"The clocks ticking," she said.

I looked at the clock. The second hand ticked by. Slowly, steadily, taking its own time. My eyes followed the hand crossing over the minute hand and then the hour hand. I felt like I was one with the second hand. Still going on even though it is the most fragile one, bearing all the trouble just to help somebody else.

"Its getting late," Courtney repeated.

This time I really looked at the time. It was half and a quarter pass eleven. I didnt realize it was that late.

"Oh Courtney, I'm happy now," I sighed. "But who knows what kind of state I'll be waking up from tomorrow."

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