Foes and Friends

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Classes started the next day. I walked in with Ella into the university. Many stared at us, mostly because of Ella and her charm. I kind of felt out of place walking beside her as we passed excited girls whispering to each other. Ella seemed indifferent about the whole scene. She walked confidently, a small smile fixed on her face.

Suddenly, Jenny popped out of nowhere and glued herself with Ella, wishing her a hearty morning while ignoring me altogether. What an attitude!

"Hey Jenny, where's Lena?" I asked, two steps behind them.

"I don't know," she simply shrugged and turned again to Ella. "Oh your major is engineering? I could show you where your ward is, you know, my cousin also studies that."

As if I was a ghost, Jenny brushed off with Ella, taking no notice of me. What an abrupt change, I thought, the previous day she was clinging on to me like I was a hero or something and suddenly I seemed to be a nobody to her. Ella glanced back at me, looking nervous. She was being literally dragged by Jenny. I flashed her a quick 'go for it' smile but she wasn't smiling at all. I watched them till they disappeared round the corner.

Great. I looked around me. The students went back to whatever they were doing now that Ella was gone. I had no idea where to head. I had taken up English as my major and I didn't know where the department was. Glancing around, I walked listlessly looking for any familiar faces. Just then, I spotted a curly red head some few distance away from me.

"Lena," I called, running toward her direction. "Hey Lena."

She turned around and I flushed with embarrassment. It wasn't Lena. The girl gave me a puzzled look.

"Hey," she said, squinting her brown eyes at me. "You talking to me?"

"I...I'm sorry," I stammered. "I thought you were someone else."

The two other girls who were standing beside the redhead sneered. Both of them also had flaming red hair, probably dyed. Red haired gang? I felt my cheeks go hot. The girl narrowed her eyes menacingly at me and was about to say something when a hand grabbed my arm from behind.

"Whoa," I turned around and saw Lena, glaring at the girl. I sighed with relief.

The girl glared back at Lena. I felt confused. They seemed to be having a silent glaring fight. Nervously, I grabbed Lena's arm and tugged her away.

"What just happened?" I asked. "You know each other or something?"

Lena didn't reply. She looked weird. She didn't seem her usual jolly self and that angry version of Lena somehow scared me. Since I was a non violent person, I dismissed the matter with a shrug, instead of stirring up more spark.

However, a few minutes later, she was back to her normal self and teased about my expression when I was apologizing.

"Hey, it wasn't my fault she looked like you from behind," I protested.

"You should have seen yourself," she laughed. I loved the way her eyes crinkle up to the corners when she laughed. I laughed back, actually seeing myself cowering before that girl.

She pointed my department to me and skipped off to her history class. I kind of wished she took the same subject with me as I watched her retreating back.

I sat down in the last bench. The benches were set for two people each. Then I took out my phone and saw Aaron's text. I smiled alone. Aaron fancied me a great deal back at home. He was a nice guy but it was a shame on my part that I wasn't able to love him like he loved me. He's always teasing me asking when our date would be. Of course we both knew that it would never happen. But now, I actually missed him.

I was still texting when a voice made me look up.

"Is this place taken?"

The girl was pointing to the seat beside me. She had brown hair, a shade lighter than mine and brown eyes just like mine. She was pretty in an ordinary way.

"No," I smiled sweetly. "You can sit here if you'd like."

She smiled and sat beside me. Then I saw Jenny hurrying up to me with a sweet smile and doe eyes. But this time my guard was up, she'll run to you when she's alone and leave you when she finds someone else. Not very entertaining.

"Hi Liz," she said, her smile lingering on me and then turning into a frown as she looked at the girl beside me.

"Hi," I replied politely.

"Oh I do wanna sit next to you," she started, bringing on her innocent charm. "We've got so much to discuss."

Somehow, I knew the only thing she wanted to discuss was Ella and that didn't sound very exciting.

"I'm sorry Jenny, but.." I stammered looking at the girl beside me.

"I'm Courtney," she offered.

"But Courtney got here first and its only fair that she gets the seat."

I shuddered internally as I saw Jenny's expression alter into a strange look, for a brief second. Spite? Anger? Jealousy? I couldn't place it. Then, she regained her smile and chirruped sweetly, "No problem, Liz, I'll find another seat."

"Hey, thanks," the girl said, giving me a warm smile. "That was decent of you."

"No problem," I smiled back. "Courtney right?"

Courtney and I soon became fast friends. We had lots of things in common and it was easy talking to her, not like Ella with whom I seem to have an invisible barrier, nor Lena whose jokes are sometimes way beyond me nor Jenny whose friendship was conditional. She had no air of sophistry at all and she was pleasant and friendly. Someone with whom I can be myself and not feel awkward.

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