Day Out

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With every ounce of my facial muscles, I opened my eyes and squinted groggily at the figure infront of me.


My head hurt like hell. It felt as though a thousand hammers were pounding on my head. I held out my hands and pressed my head.

"Hangover? "

My eyes felt heavy and puffy. I couldn't seem to keep them open.

"what's the time? " I asked in a slurry voice.

"10:26 AM," Ella answered sitting from across the room.

I mumbled and wished I could get back to sleep. I knew I could sleep the whole day off and not regret.

"How do you feel? " She asked me.

"Like shit! " I mumbled.

I heard a faint chuckle and then the rustling of bed sheets as she stood up. Then I heard her opening her drawer and taking out something. Then I heard the sound of water.

"Here, " she said sitting beside me. "Have this pill. It'll help you. "

Normally, I would have refused it but I was feeling really terrible that I took it and swallowed it without a word. I muttered thanks and settled back under the covers.

"Get some rest Liz, " she said, drawing in the curtains. "I'll be right here if you need anything. "

I half smiled to myself as I fell into a half sleep. Ella is like a superhero. Always there for me everytime. I'd never had any friend like her before. And then i started thinking about the events of the night before. I chuckled as I remembered how drunk me and my friends were. And then i remembered Ella dragging me back to the room. I wondered if she drank at all. And then suddenly, I remembered something. It is still Ella's birthday and she had said something about going out. I was not gonna let her spend her day taking care of me. Even though i felt sick as hell, there was no way I was gonna ruin her day.

With a start, I sat straight up in bed. Ella spun around in surprise.

"Liz? Are you okay? "

"Get ready Ella," I said and I threw down the covers and got to my feet. "Let's hang out. "


I tiptoed. The world seemed to spin. Carefully balancing myself, i made my way to the bathroom.

"Liz, " Ella called, eyeing me suspiciously. "You need to rest. "

"I'm fine, " I replied and did a quick wash up. I felt better after that, just a little. The lightheadedness was lifted but my head still weighed a thousand pounds.

When I went out, Ella was still standing there peering at me intently.

"Ella! " I sighed. "Aren't you gonna change? "

"Liz, " she also sighed. "it's okay. We can do it some other day. What's important is your health."

"I'm perfectly fine, " I spun gracefully. "ta-da"

She didn't believe me. She still stood with her arms crossed, peering at me closely.

"oh come on, " I nudged her. "I said I'm fine. Go get dressed. "

"I wont even take 2 minutes, " she grinned.

Thirty minutes later, we were out in the bright sunlight. The light was blinding. Didn't help much with my hangover. I mentally reprimanded myself for drinking too much. I wondered how I even drank. It isn't great after all. I vowed to myself not to drink again. Ella led me to the town square. I'd been there only once before since I came. I didn't know much of any places. There were busy bodies everywhere. People going everywhere and nowhere. Ella led me through the turns and twists like a scout guide.

"I take it you've been here often," I said as we slowly trudged along a marbled pavement.

"Yeah, I come here often with tante Angie for shopping purposes, " she said airily.

I said oh, not knowing what or who she was talking about.

"Sometimes I come here alone, " she continued. "this town isn't like other towns. It almost gives me the air of what home feels like. It's a good place to clear your head and see things in a clearer shape."

I watched my roommate from the corner of my eyes. She was half smiling as she mentioned home, her expression showed she was carried so far away. I wanted to see her eyes but she had her eyes covered with a pair of dark sunglasses. She was wearing a white T-shirt with shorts. She looked fresh and cool and handsome. I cannot put into words just how her beauty and grace surpasses everyone I had ever met.

Ella took me to a French restaurant and treated me to Canard and Boulette d'Avesnes. French delicacies, she had said proudly. I actually enjoyed the cheesy taste in the Boulette d'Avesnes and she promised she would teach me how to make one.

We spent the day with her showing me places. We even bought twin necklaces of the two turtle doves, one for each of us, saying no matter where we are or how far apart we are, our doves would unite our hearts and keep us as one. I don't know in what sense she meant it but I took in the idea of our friendship and nothing beyond that. I enjoyed her company. She brings me a sense of solid peace and comfort unlike the first time I met her.

I didn't even realize the day was ending as we trudged along the bridge above a lake. The evening was setting in, making everything look orangey, reminding of my first day at the university. There were a couple of boats in the crimson lake.

"It's beautiful," I sighed in splendour at the beauty of the things around me.

"Yeah it is," she agreed. We looked down at the boats from the bridge above. It made golden crimson ripples as it floated on the water.

"Would you like to try that?" Ella asked me suddenly catching me unaware.

"What?" I gasped and pointed at the boats. "That?"

She nodded with a sinister grin on her lips as though it was a challenge.

"Sure," I accepted airily. "Why not? "

Deep down, my knees were shaking. Water isn't my best friend. I also get motion sickness. I crossed my finger and hoped for the best as we made our way down to the ferry.

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