Unexpected Changes

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I was wondering what I'd do if the cat was still there as I opened the door to our room.

"Ella?" I called.

"Hey," she answered back and stood up from the floor where she was sorting some stamps.

My eyes quickly darted around for the cat. No sign of him. What a relief.

I stepped aside to let my friends in and saw a quick look of surprise cross her face.

"Ella, my friends, Lena and Jenny," I introduced. "Ella Dubois."

I only briefly saw the startled faces of Lena and Jenny as I made the introduction. The party nodded to each other.

"You didn't say your roommate is so handsome!" Jenny whispered to me as they stepped into the room.

Lena just looked around while Jenny started her talks.

"You're French?" She asked Ella.

"Yeah," she answered. "My dad's French and my mom's Spanish."

"Wow," Jenny said. "I've been in France last year and it was amazing."

I sat down near Lena on my bed in silence and watched them. I was still wondering where the cat had gone when I caught a strange look from Jenny.

"Yeah, its beautiful," Ella smiled at her.

Jenny blushed visibly. Her eyes were locked dreamily on Ella as they talked.

"Oh you play guitar?" Jenny glided to where the guitar stood.

"Uh...yeah," Ella said, scratching the back of her neck. "A little bit."

"Omg! You're so cool," Jenny said in a childish manner, looking as cute as she could get.

Lena gave a snort beside me and nearly made me jump. I glanced at her and saw she was trying to stifle her laugh. I wanted to laugh too seeing her plight. Jenny saw us but she ignored us.

"Somebody's in love," Lena whispered to me, still laughing. Her face was red from controlling her laughter.

Could it be possible? I wondered. Does Jenny really like Ella? They're both gay? I dismissed it in disgust. Oh God! It was creepy.

We went for dinner together. All four of us. Jenny abandoned me completely and held on to Ella like she did on me when we came from their room. Lena and me trudged behind.

"I wish I could pry Jenny away," Lena said. "Does she think she's a magnet? I've never seen her more clingy than this."

I laughed.

"I won't be surprised if Ella vanishes tomorrow," she continued. "Jenny can be really obstinate when it comes to getting what she wants."

"And you believe she wants Ella?" I asked, surprised.

"By the looks of it, hell yeah," she answered.


"It's a fast paced world," she said airily. "Anything could happen."

Many heads turned at our group as we ate our dinner. I get nervous easily and that's the reason why I couldn't eat anything. I glanced at my friends. They were heartily enjoying their food. Ella and Jenny talked as if Lena and me were not there. Every time Ella tried to include us in the conversation, Jenny turned the topic to personal subjects. So Jenny is possessive too, I thought.

"Aren't you gonna eat anything?" Lena nudged me.

"I'm not hungry, thanks to your special tea," I lied.

"Are you insulting my tea?" She mock pouted.

"Hell no," I grinned. "I mean it. I liked it."

After dinner, Jenny wanted to stick around Ella but she said she wanted to turn in early. So we came back to our own room in silence. When we came back, Ella started rummaging in her cupboard and brought out some pasta. I looked as she cooked it. Didn't she just have dinner? I settled on my bed and fiddled with my phone. The aroma from Ella's pasta smelled heavenly and without realizing it, I was terribly hungry.

"Here," Ella said, handing a plate to me.

I blinked at her.

"I noticed you didn't touch your dinner," she said. "Figured you might get hungry."

I was lost for words. I didn't even think Ella noticed either Lena or me at the dinner table, as she was so glued with Jenny. I mumbled a thanks and she went back to her bed with her guitar.

"Didn't you say you'd turn in?" I asked as I tasted a piece. It was delicious.

"Yeah, I guess I did," she smiled.

"So why aren't you under your blanket?"

She was now leaning on the wall, facing me.

"I don't normally sleep before midnight," she said. "Bad habit."

"So you lied," I grinned.

"Sometimes I'm naughty," she grinned back.

"Hey, where's Oscar?" I asked suddenly remembering.

"I took him away," she said solemnly. Then seeing the horrified look on my face, she added, "Don't worry, he's somewhere where he's perfectly happy."

I felt miserable as I lay in bed that night. Mostly because Ella had to sacrifice being with Oscar because of me. It must have been hard on her. Then my thought shifted to my new friends and Ella's kind heart. She wasn't as I thought she was. So far, so good. Things couldn't have been better.

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