You Reject Jeff's Proposal (imagine)

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Yourself and Jeff have been dating for four years. You are the perfect match, you never argue and people would always commet 'goals' under the cute pictures that the two of you share on social media. I mean you've been shopping with his mom and sister.

Mostly everyone at school is here watching the game. Our team is winning and Zach Dempsey was on point tonight, the crowd screamed his name whenever he scored, which tonight was often. You only watched the game because everyone was there, you enjoyed watching the boys in shorts and because of Jeff. He loved watching it, he didn't want to play it though.

A whistle blows signalling that it is now half time. The boys all go of the court in order to have water and talk strategies, even though they were winning. The cheer squad come on, but get stopped by their coach. "Can we have Jeff Atkins and Y/F/L/N on the court please?" You look beside you at your Jeff. What the fuck is going on? He looks at you with a smile before standing up and pushing his hand out towards you.

You take it gladly and he helps you up, you then walk nervously beside him and all the way to the centre of the court. Everyone claps and whistle for the both of you as he takes the  microphone from the school's mascot. He lets go of your hand to turn and face you, everyone's eyes are on you.

"Ugh...where should I start?" Jeff questions "Umm...well, I..." "Hurry up Jeff!" You hear Bryce call from the stands, but someone tells him to be quiet "Right well, Y/N, you are the love of my life and I know we're still young and at school and some people think that we're stupid, but I want to live the rest of my life with you" your whole body is heating up and you could feel yourself blushing. Some girls on the cheer team 'awwww' in response to Jeff's sweet comment. You still not use to Jeff always paying you compliments, even though the two of you have been together for what seems like forever.

"So what I'm trinna say is..." he gets down on one knee and pulls a small box from his pocket and opens it to expose a diamond engagement ring. Tyler snaps a picture of you two probably for the year book "Will you marry me?" The court full of students and a few teachers gasp, some cheer and you just stand there. In shook, you wasn't even 18 yet.

"Y/N, will you marry me?" He asks you again, assuming that maybe you didn't hear him or something, but you heared him perfectly, he is speaking into a mic, in an almost silent court. Of course you could hear him, loud and clear.

"" you say as you shake your head. The room gasp in suprise, some people even laugh. Jeff gets off his knee and lowers the mic down so no one could hear him "Babe, come on" he almost pleases, no begs "No, Jeff I'm sorry" he hands the microphone back before leaving. Everyone boos you and you go to chase after him. "Are you okay?" Courtney asks, but you don't have any time for a chat as you exit the room and spot Jeff walking down the hallway. You jog lightly to catch up to him.

"C'mon Jeff, you didn't think I was going to say yes did you?" "Obviously I wouldn't have made myself look fucking stupid infront of everyone if I hadn't" he informs you still walking off in a huff. "I'm 17, by law I'm still a kid" "Yeah, so am I" he informs you "I thought we could get engaged and get married after school and college" he states, he had thought it through, but you said no, you didn't even fake a yes in front of everyone and then tell him how you felt after. You embarrassed him.

"I'm sorry" you grab his arm, but he pushes your hands away from him "Three years and you would just say no like that without even considering it" he is hurt, you could tell. He couldn't even bare to look at you.  "What was I ment to do?" You ask "I don't know, maybe I'm asking for too much. You're too immature for me so maybe it's best if we just forget about this" "This?" You question "Yeah, part ways since your not ready. It was nice knowing you though" he walks away.

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