Jessica's Party Part 2 (Imagine)

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You wake back up after crashing out on the sofa, the party had died down a bit now, but is still continuing. You hear everyone cheer as your fellow cheerleader, Sheri does a cartwheel in the centre of the floor. You look beside you to see Justin Foley. He is emotionless, looking straight ahead. He was partying earlier, having the time of his life with his girlfriend of two months and now he looks sad.

"Are you okay?" He looks at you and then striaght forward again. He doesn't answer, but gives you a simple nod to say yes. But, you could tell that something wasn't quite right, anyone could. "Are you sure?" You question him, he nods again, when Sheri walks up to you "I'm gonna go home and drop Hannah on the way, you coming?" She asks you and you look down at your watch to see that it is 12:30 am. "No, go ahead I have a ride" you inform her, she says bye to both you and Justin before leaving, holding up Hannah.

Hannah's eyes linger on Justin for a while as you sit back, when Bryce comes from downstairs. Justin gets up and walks away and Bryce takes his place. "What's wrong with him?" You ask, Bryce and Justin are like brothers so you assume that he knows everything. "Blue balls" is all he needs to say, but he continues "Jess didn't want to fuck, so now he's having a bitch fit." "Ohhh" you reply back.

You look down at your watch again, 12:32. "You want a drink?" Bryce asks you "No. I've just sobered up and my dad is picking me up so..." "Your dad?" Bryces quizzes as if he can't believe what you just said. So you nod "You could of just asked me... I'm gonna leave now anyways" you consider it and then reconsider the idea, why not? It would save your dad the trouble of getting up and coming all the way here.

"Sure, let me just call my dad and let him know" Bryce nods as you leave the room and head outside to call your dad. You explain that one of your class mates, who you believe is sober would drive you instead. He allows you to go with Bryce and you place your phone back in your clutch. You head back into the party and signal to Bryce that you are good to go.

The pair of you say bye and you overhear Bryce telling Justin that he wishes Jessica sweet dreams, as it is her party, you don't think nothing of it, but your parents raised you better so you tell Bryce to wait a minute so you can say bye to the hostest, herself. So you climb up the stairs and knock on Jessica's door. You hear nothing so you slowly open it to see her spread across her bed. You smile, she was always a light weight, but at least she has Justin to look after her.

"Night, Jess" she hums in response and you leave.


You see a ton of cop cars ahead, the whole area is blocked off with tape. An officer comes to Bryce's car and he winds down the window.

"There's been an accident therefore you would need to turn your car around and go that way" the police officer states. No shit. "Uhmm, what happened?" Bryce asks "We can't give out that sort of information, sir" Bryce nods before turning his car around.

"Do you think it's someone we know?" He asks you, as if you want to think about that "I hope not" you look out of the window as the car falls into an awkard silence until Bryce pops up "So what happened with you and Jeff?" "He turnt out to be a dick like the rest of them" you assure him "Well Zach and I thought he was in there" you look away from the window. "He's far from that now" you inform Bryce, who smirks keeping his eyes on the road.

Bryce takes you home, the pair of you say bye. You walk into your house and that is the end of your night.

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