Justin Walks In On You In The Shower Ft Zach Part Two (Imagine)

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The following day...
No Ones Point Of View...

"...What do you mean you saw her naked?" Bryce questions as Justin continues to stroll next to him down the familiar school hallways "I saw her in the shower yesterday" "You saw EVERYTHING?" "Yes" Justin repeat for the 100th time causing Bryce to chuckle "Was she...you know?" "What?" Justin asks "Was she...sexy?" Justin smirks, not because he thought that Y/N was sexy, he didn't even get a proper look as she covered herself up. He smirked because he had never thought of Y/N in the that way, she's just Zach's little sister, they've all known each other since she was like seven or eight years old.

"I didn't even look" "But you wanted to?" Bryce quizzes raising his eyebrows "No. She's like our little sister, that would be disgusting" "She's not our little sister, we could do whatever we want with her" "What are you talking about?" Justin asks Bryce who stops at his locker "She's not related to us, which makes her like any other girl at this school. Why don't we invite her to the clubhouse?" "No" Justin quickly defends, stopping Bryce in his tracks before he gets any other ideas.

"Why?" Bryce groans slamming his locker "Cause that's Zach's little sister" "Speaking of the devil" he states nodding towards her, Justin turn around to see the younger sister of one of his best friends. "Let's go say hi" Bryce demands jogging towards her stopping her from continuing to make her way to her lesson. They usually never talked to her at school, they all saw her as the annoying baby sister and never thought about bringing her to the clubhouse.

Justin strolls up to the pair to join their conversation. "...So what are you doing after school?" Bryce ask Y/N. "Nothing why?" "I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out" "Uh, okay where?" Y/N question Bryce with a smile across her face. She had no idea what he had in store for her. "Meet me at the clubhouse and DON'T tell your brother" "I won't" she replies back before stepping past the two of them and leaving to go to her class. "See how simple it is? We get to fuck her and Zach would never know" "I don't think we should. Zach is our friend and news spreads quickly around here. If I had a little sister I wouldn't want you to take her to the clubhouse" Justin declares causing Bryce to laugh.

"Well you don't have a little sister. If you don't come then Scott and Monty will and you know how savage they are" "Whatever" Justin comments stepping away from Bryce.

Your Point Of View...

You take a seat next to your best friend, Nia with a grin on your lips. "Why are you so happy?" Nia asks as you turn to her "Promise not to tell anyone" "What?" "Bryce and Justin just invited me to the clubhouse" you share forcing Nia to gasp "Do you think they wanna...ya know?" "No, I don't think they'll do that with me. But at least I finally get to see what all the hype is about and I get to hang out with them, which means I'll get respect from all the older girls" you declare "My sister told me to stay away from them and their clubhouse apparently they just smoke and take girls back to ya know" she finishes just as our teacher begins to take control of the class.

After a few hours school had finished so you made your way to the clubhouse at the back of school. You've never been inside before, but you've over heard Zach and the boys talk about it. You always wanted to come and see what it is or what the hype was about, but you never plucked up the courage to go as Zach would 'beat your ass' if he ever saw you anywhere near it. His words of course, but your 16 years old now. Your not Zach's baby sister anymore, plus he's only two years older than you, so he shouldn't be able to control your life.

You go to knock on the door when you hear a 'boo' coming from behind you causing you to gasp in shock. You turn around to see Bryce, Monty and Scott hovering over you. "Oh hey" "Hey, you look nice" Scott compliments causing you to blush and look down at the ground. You had never been left alone with any of Zach's friends before, so you felt a bit out of your shell, even though you know that nothing would happen. "Thanks" you reply back as Bryce opens the door "Let's go in before someone sees us" "After you" Monty tells you as the boys make space for you.

You stroll into the clubhouse as you hear two of them high five, following behind you. The door closes causing the room to dimmer. The clubhouse was nothing like you expected, it was dull and dark, but you were still happy to be there.

"It's cool huh?" "Yeah" you reply "Sit down. Loosen up, we don't bite" you take a seat as Scott sits on the left side of you, putting his arm around your shoulder "Not unless you want us to" Monty jokes taking the other seat next to you, with Bryce across from all three of you. "Let's play a game" "Like what?" Scott asks "Truth or dare, most classic game out there" "You up for that Dempsey?" Monty questions forcing you to nod "Yeah. Whatever" the three guys chuckle as you prepare to play a game of Truth or Dare.

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