You Choose Alex Over Monty (Imagine)

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Yourself and Monty have been dating on and off for eight months. He broke up with you, you get back together. You break up with him and your back together in a matter of days. That's just how you two are. At the moment you aren't together, you broke up only last night.

Today you decide to walk to school as it is a nice day and the school is only a ten minute walk from your house. Why not? Get some exercise in while you enjoy the nice weather is what you think before you step out of your house allowing the scorching sun to hit your exposed shoulders. Your outfit for today is:

You would usually wear a jacket to reframe from getting dress coded, but it is so hot today that you decided to leave it at home

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You would usually wear a jacket to reframe from getting dress coded, but it is so hot today that you decided to leave it at home. Anyways you began walking, your throat getting dry automatically, so you turn into a shop, when you spot Alex.

"Hey" you greet him as you shimmy past him in order to grab a bottle of water "Oh, hi" he replies. The two of you head over to the counter, when the cashier looks at the bottle and says "$2.20" your eyes widen at the expense of some water. What a rip off. You take your purse out of your bag still shocked at the price and search for some money, but you don't have enough as you had forgotten to pick up the dinner money that your dad had left on the kitchen counter for you.

"I've got you" Alex chimes in as he picks up a pack of gum for himself. He hands the cashier the money for both the water and the gum. You thank him, picking up your drink and heading out of the shop with him following. You turn back around to him "Do you want to walk to school with me?" You ask. Alex is a boy in most of your lessons, who you haven't really chatted to, so you don't mind his company and walking alone is boring. "Isn't that Monty's job?" He questions "We broke up" "Again?" You nod.

"Well, yeah. I'll walk to school with you" you smile as the pair of you stroll to school, with more than twenty minutes to get there. You attempt to open the bottle, but the cap is screwed on so tight "Here" Alex holds out his hand and you place the bottle in it and in a matter of seconds the lid was off. You take the bottle back, thanking him again and take a few sips.

"So you and Monty what's going on?" Alex asks "Well we just keep breaking up over stupid things, well he breaks up with me over stupid things." "And you take him back. Why?" You sigh "I think it's easier being with him than without him if that makes sense" he agrees by humming. "But you're a pretty girl, your smart and a lot boys will be lucky to have you, but Monty isn't the type to be in a relationship... sorry to break it to you" your heart begins to ache as you know that he is right. It's been eight months and you've probably broke up about nine times already. But you wanted to see your relationship last, no matter how much people said that it wouldn't.

"I know. But I think I can change him" you admit, you think you could. Anything is possible "You really think you can?" "Yeah" Alex opens his mouth, about to say something when you hear a car horn beside the pair of you. The car comes to a halt as do you, you recognise the car that belongs to Zach. Then your boyfriend, no ex-boyfriend, Monty steps out from the passenger's side.

"Why the fuck aren't you answering your phone?" Monty asks you "Don't talk to her like that" Alex speaks up, defending you even though you can speak for yourself. You don't need protecting from Monty, but you felt good that Alex didn't just stand by and allow Monty to shout a bunch of profanity your way. "What are you going to do?" Monty asks getting in Alex's face, you could see the drop in Alex's confidence and bravery so you pull Monty's arm, but he pushes you away. So you step in between both boys. You don't want Alex to get hurt, he helped you a lot already.

You face Monty, his 6 ft body hovering both the small frame of you and Alex, who is only a few inches taller than you. "Just get back in the car" you say sternly, but Monty just ignores you, not taking any notice of you as always "What are you doing with her anyway?" "Doing what your supposed to be doing" I can't believe Alex said that. I mean, it could be taken in different ways.

"What does that mean?" Monty asks "Nothing" you reply back "Did you sleep together?" He jumps to conclusion "No. Monty, we saw eachother at the shop" "So what does he mean? Doing what I'm supposed to be doing?" Monty's eyes are full of anger, himself and Alex had fought before, but that was at least six or seven months ago.

"He listens to me Monty" you continue, unaware that your digging a bigger hole for Alex "He respects me, treats me better than you ever will" you start pouring your heart out. Zach, obviously losing the patience to live, beeps the car horn gaining your attention.

"Yo, were going to be late!" Zach calls to Monty "Come on babe" Monty says calming down while grabbing your arm, but you pull away "No. I'm going with Alex" "Come on Y/N, do you really want to be seen with that?" That, referring to Alex. "I'd reather be seen with him than you" you says marching away with Alex following behind you. "Fuck you then!" you hear Monty shout behind you, you decide to just ignore him as he threw his toys out of his pram, which he does after things don't go his way.

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