The New Boy Has A Crush On You FT. Cole Sprouse (IMAGINE)

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I'm pretty sure most of you guys know who Cole Sprouse is so I decided to add him to the story, if your not sure who he is then this is him>

I'm pretty sure most of you guys know who Cole Sprouse is so I decided to add him to the story, if your not sure who he is then this is him>

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You look in your locker which is full of photos of yourself and your friends, Jessica, Tony, Clay etc when you feel a pair of hands cover your eyes. "Guess who" your boyfriend of eight months demands "Urgh, Mark" you joked forcing him to remove his hands allowing you to turn around and be face to face with Monty. "Who the fuck is Mark?" "I'm just joking" you tell him "Good" he then pulls you into a kiss, sliding his tongue into your mouth, wrapping his arms around your waist in front of everyone.

You pull away breaking the French kiss "Okay, that's enough" "Why?" He moans attempting to pull you into him again "Stop" you tell him off like a child, forcing yourself to turn around and grab everything else you needed out of your locker. "Your boring" he states marching away before you could say anything else. You sigh slamming the locker shut before going to your first lesson which was Maths.

Ten minutes into Mr Mayer's maths class, the deputy head, Mrs Mathers strolls in causing all the loud laughter and chatter to die down, as she only comes in if a student is in trouble. She whispers something to Mr Mayer, who nods. "Y/N, Principal Bolan would like to see you in his office" Mr Mayer spoke as the class 'awwwed' knowing that you was probably in trouble. You collect your stuff before following Mrs Mathers out, down the corridor, up the stairs and down the corridor again.

Mrs Mathers knocks on the door. "Come in" You both hear. Mrs Mathers opens the door allowing you to step in, closing it after you. A boys back is turned to you, he's wearing a black hoodie, you couldn't see his face or anything else but his hair and the fact that he is wearing jeans and Converses. "Y/N, take a seat. Don't worry your not in trouble" he chuckles as you take the seat beside the boy.

You look up at him. His brown eyes glance at you quickly, you notice his long dark lashes and brows. He's definitely model material. The scent of cigarettes and aftershave hits you immediately, which for some odd reason is a smell that you like, well not normally although his aroma is strong it's nice all at the same time.

"This is our new student, Cole. I was wondering if you could perhaps show him around, you're the head girl and I think that it would be nice to introduce him to someone like you" Principal Bolan explains "Ugh...sure" "Well. I guess you could miss Maths for today and give him a little tour" you nod taking another glance at Cole while his eyes meet yours for the second time in two minutes. This time he smiles making you blush slightly. "Should we go now?" "Yes. Cole I'll catch up with you later" "Yeah see you later sir" he adds as the two of you get up to leave.

At first it was awkward until he spoke up "So, whats your name again?" "Y/N" you reply as he follows beside you "Nice. So, have you got a boyfriend or...?" "I do, he's called Monty" "What kind of name is Monty?" He asks "I don't know, what kind of name is Cole?" you joke causing the pair of you to laugh after "So what is he a jock?" "Yeah. How did you know?" You question as you step outside "Girls like you, of course your dating a jock" "What does that mean?" "Pretty, head girl, probably on the cheer squad, course your dating a jock" he announces "Maths team" you correct "What?" "I'm not a cheerleader. I'm on the Maths team" you repeat.

You watch as his mouth gapes open "Your not a cheerleader" "No. Brains over beauty" you tell him as you look up to see Monty and his friends, Bryce, Justin, Marcus and Scott watching you as you shuffle past with Cole on your side. "Who are they?" He asks you "The one in the middle is my boyfriend, the others are his friends, a few of the other jocks. Their all assholes" "Why are they staring?" "Don't worry their just being weird. Monty gets really jealous sometimes" you share "I can see why, your hot as fuck" you giggle blushing again "Thanks."

"I know you said you've got a boyfriend and everything, but I have no friends here. I don't know anyone in this state apart from my mom, dog and brothers and now you, so...maybe we can hang out after school. Your good at Maths and I'm way behind" "Yeah, Sure" you reply back and head inside to conclude the tour.

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