His Sister, Purple Eyes.

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I was right the ride into town was one big awkward silence. Nothing much was said between the three of us. I was still intrigued by their black butler, Henri Akatsuna, more so his red eyes. They were creepy, I felt as though they could look into my soul at anytime. I looked out the window and was greeted by all of the frost covered windows that held everything from sweets to toys. There were also many clothing stores filled with beautiful dresses just waiting to be taken home by some woman or girl. The carriage finally came to a stop in front of Madame Julia's dress shop, ahh yes Julia's I had been here many times before. She was the best in town, if you needed a new dress or just needed an alterations or repair. Mother took me here for the first time on my 10th birthday.

"Well Jayne, are you going to just sit there in thought or are you going to come shop with us?" Cora's voice broke me out of my daze. I looked up at her, she was already out of the carriage smiling at me. Beside her was standing Carlie and of course Henri. He held out his hand to me,

"Lady Jayne,"

"Yes, of course." I said taking his ice cold hand in my own. I took effort not to flinch from the contact as I stepped down, gently pulling up my dress so that I wouldn't trip. I exchanged smiles with Cora and Carlie before we walked into the shop, Henri following suit. The little bell above the door gave a quiet ding as we entered. A hefty woman in her late 50s came from the back room sweeping her arms up in a greeting fashion.

"Welcome! What beautiful young women you are, now tell me what can Madame Julia do for you today." She sashayed over to us, "Ahhh, Lady Phantomhive, I have your dress all ready for you. Although I may need to make a few alterations." She shuffled around behind a curtain and returned holding a large black box covered in dust. Inside was a lovely black and dark blue velvet dress with ruffles and fringes all along. Short sleeves trimmed with satin ribbons and a purple stringed corset in the back. It was perfect but, I had no memory of ordering a dress. I gave the box back to Madame Julia

"Madame, you must be mistaken. I never ordered a dress," I looked at her confused. Trying to remember if I did in fact order a dress.

"Your mother did before she passed, may she rest in peace. I've held it for you, you see, because I knew you would come here at some point." She smiled and took the dress out of the box, holding it up to my slender figure. "Come now dear and put it on,"

I looked over at Cora and Carlie who were already looking at the many selections, not paying much attention to us. Was it true that I hadn't been here since the fire, 3 years ago? I thought as I walk behind the shoji screen, and begun to loosen the strings of the corset that held up my dress. I slipped on the new one and marvelled at how soft the fabric was, the store workers helped to finish tying the corset in the back. I stepped out to show Madame Julia, I heard a small gasp. What, did I really look that bad?

"Oh dear, you look just absolutely ravishing." She circled me, like a shark with it's prey. Really? Absolutely ravishing, I highly doubt it i've never been absolutely ravishing, ever. "Come dear, look for yourself." She led me to a full length mirror, she was right I was "ravishing" as she would say. Mother sure did have good taste. The dress hugged my curves tightly, but comfortably. How was that possible? Mother ordered this dress over 3 years ago, how could the dress fit absolutely perfectly. Wouldn't she have ordered it to fit me when I was younger? Maybe it was a birthday present and she just wanted to get it early, or perhaps Madame Julia made a mistake on the dimensions. It wasn't possible that mother knew she was going to die, was it? No, absolutely not. I thanked the woman and went to go change out of the dress.

"How much do I owe you?"

"Oh, nothing that has already been taken care of," She smiled at me and went back to hemming the dress in front of her. Oh, well.

After everything was settled and the dress was softly put back in it's box I went and found Cora and Carlie. They were back in back rows of dresses picking the ones that they liked, many others were piled in Henri's hands. Wow, they must like to shop. I slowly walked up to them, box in hand. Henri smiled politely at me I didn't return it however, I was still lost in my own thoughts. After the Hiltch twins finished trying on everyone of the dresses that they had picked out, and bought the majority of them, we were back in the carriage.

"Where would you like to go next Jayne?" Cora asked me looking through one of the many bags she had acquired. Before I could answer my stomach growled, I had forgotten I hadn't eaten any breakfast today. My cheeks blushed a light crimson. Carlie was trying to hide her giggling behind her gloved hand while Cora just sat there smiling at me.

"How about we go have brunch at, at, oh I can't remember but i've heard that the food there is delectable." I nodded my head. How embarrassing.

Cora was finally able to remember the name and we went to dine at um, well I don't know I wasn't really paying attention. She was right the food there was delicious. The rest of the day we just walked around town going into different shops and stores. It was on a random whim that we went into that doll store. The dolls were so life-like, they looked almost as if they were real.

"Welcome," a creepy voice said. It almost sounded like it was dead, no emotion. "Can I help you?"

"No thank you." I said as politely as I could, turning to the owner of the voice. He was a tall man in his early twenties, he had bright orange hair and stunning purple eyes which I thought was odd but, beautiful. I couldn't help but stare at him and he stared back neither of us saying anything.

"Jayne are you ready to go-," Carlie's sentence was never finished as she laid eyes upon the mysterious shop owner. "Hello, My name is Caroline Hiltch." She extended her hand but it went unnoticed for he was staring at me. Not at my eyes though, at my mothers blue diamond necklace, it matched perfectly with fathers old ring that now rested on Ciel's thumb.

"What a lovely necklace you have, Jayne." My name rolled off his tongue so sweetly, I wanted him to say it again.

"Thank you, it was my mothers." I was fiddling with it now, it had become a habit of mine over the years. Cora was the one to ruin the moment next.

"Carlie, Jay, come on now it's starting to get dark we need to be heading home." Her eyes laid upon the mysterious man, Henri, who was standing behind Cora, was also staring. Feeling uncomfortable I ushered them all out of the door but, before I could slip out a hand gripped my wrist. I turned my head slightly looking at the sad purple eyes,

"Will you come back?" he asked quietly. Somewhere in the background I heard the tune of London Bridge is Falling Down,

"Yes" I whispered and fled out the door and into the awaiting carriage. Before I got to the door I turned and asked, "What's your name?"

"Drocell. Drocell Keinz."

The ride home was quite boring I wasn't really listening to what Cora and Carlie were saying, just looking out the window.

When Henri pulled the carriage up to the door, the sun was setting illuminating the whole house in reds and oranges. Fire! Was my first thought but, when I blinked a few times I realized it was just my mind playing tricks on me. After I said my goodbyes and gathered up my bags I stepped out of the carriage. "Goodbye, Lady Phantomhive."

"Goodbye, Henri."

I waited until they were completely out of sight before I heaved a sigh. Just as I was about to turn around and go inside I saw someone walking up the road, they were carrying something or well I should say someone. I looked closer and saw that it was Sebastian that was walking and he was carrying......Ciel!? I let out a little giggle as I saw the servants running out to them. Ciel got angry about something, more then likely being teased about being carried by Sebastian, and demanded to be put down. Stomping back to the house, fuming all the way there. I was still giggling when Ciel walk by,

"Hello Ciel, how was your day?"

"Shut up," he hissed out before walking up the grand staircase to his office no doubt and slamming the door.

"I love you too," I muttered before walking into the house and up to my room. I put my bags away and slipped into my nightdress and into bed. My dreams were filled with purple eyes.

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